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Show QUEEN IS DEAD. Isabella of Spain Summoned by the Gilm Reaper. Ex-Queen Isabella of Spain, grandmother grand-mother of King Alfonso, died In Paris at 9 MB o'clock Saturday morning morn-ing of Influenza with complications. Tho Infantas Isabella, Eulalle and Mario, daughters of tho late queen, woro at tho bcdsldo when sho died. Tho queen had been afflicted with tho grip for two months, which gradually gradu-ally affected tho lungs. It Is understood that King Alfonso will not como to Franco for tho funeral, fu-neral, ns ho did not como for the funeral of his grandfather, King Francis, Fran-cis, who died In April, 1902. Tho deceased quoen bad been ono of tho conspicuous figures of Paris stneo she left Spain. After her abdication In 1870 sho continued to live - with quoenly magnificence. In Paris, giving largely to chadtablo and religious works. |