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Show The Star Grocery at the White House 34 CENTER ST. Telephone 41 Y, carries a full line of .- Green and Staple Groceries, Teas, Coffees and Spices, Stationery, Books, and Periodicals. Periodi-cals. Fiesh Creamery Butter and Eggs always on hand. Call and see us, jou will bo accoidtvd good ticatmeiit S.P.&0P THATCHER PROPRIETORS. j Beads, Beads! A beautiful strand of beads either tight around the neck or hanging loose from the neck is the style of . the day for the-fair the-fair sex. Look at our window for newest and pretttiest beads JohnsonJewelryOo MAIN STREET, LOGAN. Their Sign The Ejc on the Door. A LARGE STOCK OF Hardy Fruit & Shade Trees Plants, Seeds and Flowers, at the Logan Nurseries Correspondence receives prompt attention. THE Old FAMILY CLOCK AND WATCHES merits our solicitude. Its memories appeal to jou. Its tick, so familiar to some who aie now gone. Is a bond between the piesent and the past. If It Is silent, or out of repair, send for us. "Wo w ill make it Itself again. Our charges arc always for tho work we do only. C, M, WENDELBOE. $3 50 Royal Blue Shoe IS THE SOLE OF HONOR. For sale by James Quayle & Co The Danielsen Sulky Plow , Sold only by the DAN1ELSEN MFG. CO. "When jou want any t h ( i i n w Call Direct to the Factory ' Our pilces arc Lower and our Plows Superior to anjthlng In the ( maiket. Come direct to the factory and we will treat jou right. TheDanielsenMfg.Co Logan, Utah I Utah Wagons for Utah and I and Idaho People, I $36.00 WILL BUY THE BEST FARM TRUCK EVER SOLD IN THE STATE OF UTAH OR IDAHO! Guaranteed to be the Strongest and Rest Made truck on the mar- m ket. We can make this exceptionally low price because we make 1 the ti uck and no middle man gets a profit. You buy direct from ii the manufactureis. Write for dlscrlptive circulars. Also agents for tne leliable Molino goods Gang, Sulky, Disc 1 and Hand Plows, Harrows and a general line of Farm Implements. H Mail oidcrs solicited. H WILLIAM MERRILL, RICHMOND, U. I The Cache Valley Produce Co. 45 Tackages Vegetable and Flower Soods $1 00 ! 21 " " " " " CO 10 " " " ' 05 Agents for Smurthwait's Tested Seeds. Con. Implement Co's Old Stand I NEW BUILDING. NO INSIDE ROOM,r HOTEL EAGLE. m r m I m S HIHiaHHflHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimHBi I -t- M '' AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN,. ZEPH THOMAS, Proprietor. ur-TO-l,ATE HOTKL. 25 Nnrfrv Main Strpr 8ix laUok sAitrtE kooms. ' i: ortn main iMrCP.l. HACK 3IEKTS ALL THAIKS. Logan, Utah. |