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Show A MARRIED MAN'S MUSINGS. Tho pleasuros that aro swoetost to tho tasto aro thoso wo havo nover tasted. A good many moro mon would propose pro-pose If they weren't afraid of bolng acceptod. Aftor thirty years of married llfo I confess that I am ruthless, truthlosa and toothless. A man's first child makes him fcol ton years youngor; his fifth odds three generations to his age. Definition from my now Matrimonial Matrimo-nial Dictionary: Optimist A man who baa been married two months. Definition from my now Matrimonial Matrimo-nial Dictionary: Pessimist A man who has beon married two yoarn. "How many years does it tako a woman to learn not to talk to her husband whllo ho's shaving?" I naked Jameson. "I don't know," ho replied. "I've only been marriod eight years." Pittsburg Dispatch. |