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Show BILLY'8 BEATTITOODS. Blessed lz th co matin with no arms for hco duzzent hat to shuvll snow. Blessed are theo heethuns for they do not haf too llsen too long surmons. Blessed nr dogs for when thoy dyo they nro not askalrt of haileez or onny uthor tropplkal rccgun. Bleasuil lz theo drunklrd for hco lz happy nt least haf of theo tlmo, enny-how. enny-how. Blcssud lz theo mann with whlskurz for pcoplo cannot soo hlz week chin. Dlcssud aro theo hoboes for thoy doo not haf to waro boiled shurts and dress soots. Blcssud lz theo engaged cuplo for thoy can begin to kwarrcl Just llko married folks. Blcssud lz theo kid whozo fathur lz dod for hoo don't haf to ware enny mado-ovur trowzors. niessud lz theo womman whoo haz bin married twlco for shoo haz lurnod not to boo partlcklor. Blessed lz thoo mann whozo wlfo lz a poor cooker for hco lz not haf so apt to gtt dlspepslo az thoo other mann. Blessud lz thoo yung mann with a homely sweathart for ovvcry uthor yap Inn theo town lz not hankering after hir. Blcssud aro theo Ignorant for thoy newer haf to buck up aglnst Browning Brown-ing and Count do Montcsqulou and lb-son lb-son and theo uthor littery dubs. Blessud ar thoo common dubs for thoy doo not git lntow thoo noospa-purz noospa-purz and hav their family skolctun dragged out for cxhlblshun evcrry lit-tul lit-tul whllo. Blcssud lz theo man with a dlvorso for hco can goo rlto out nnd try itt ngin. "Wllllo Smartwccd" In Chlca-go Chlca-go Chronicle |