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Show No Heirs to Their Honors. Tho lack of male helm among tho leading English military men Is remarkable. re-markable. Lord Wolseley has but one child, nn unmarried daughter. Lord Roberts has now no boh. Lord Kitchener Is a bachelor, and Sir Red-vera Red-vera Duller, who onco .was regarded as quite In tlio runnlnr, for ketedltary distinction, has only one child a daughter. Distinguished Scotch Professor. Sir William Turner, who has been elected principal of tho University of Edinburgh, occupied for thirty-six years tho chair of anatomy known as tho first chair of tho empire. It Is tho best endowed In Great Britain, If not in tho world, bung worth $10,000 a year. Practically all tho British, Canadian nnd Australian teachers of anatomy have sat under Sir William Wil-liam Tumor. Incentive for Applause. "Uncle Joo" Cannon made a speech la tho houso tho other day and told tho members how ho was going to put In an Item to build a $0,000,000 office building for them. Every statement ho mado was chcored and applauded by tho Republicans. "Go it, boys!" shouted Representative Shnttuc of Ohio. "Tho ono making tho most uolso gets a chairmanship next year." Paris Police Want Music. Tho police of Paris havo applied for permission to form a band to play at funerals of members of the force. Among tho reasons for tho request as set forth In tho petition is a deslro to show that they lovo harmony, and aro not so brutal as they are generally described. In One Class. "Do you havo to wear silk stockings stock-ings If you aro an ambassador?" said tho man who had Just arrived at tho European court. "Certainly, thera aro two classes of peoplo who are required re-quired to wear silk stockings diplomats diplo-mats and chorus ladles." Washington Star. Growth of Large Cltlti. During tho nineteenth century London Lon-don grow from 800,000 people to nearly near-ly 0,000,000. In tho samo period New York Increased from a town of 00,000 to a city of over 3,000,000. At present pres-ent London is growing 17 por cent in a decade and New York 35 per cent. Many Languages Spoken. Probably tho most cosmopolitan city In tho world Is Singapore, whoro tho British Bible society sells tho scriptures scrip-tures In seventy-flvo languages. Nearly Near-ly forty languages and dialects aro spoken among tho COO boys of tho Anglo-Chlneso college In that city. When Keene's Leg Was Pulled. James R. Keene, tho Wall street bear, Is a more tendor man than wo had supposed. Ho has had his knee wrenched by a masseur. Ho Is the first man who has pulled Keeno's leg that did not get most of tho damago in recoil. Girl's Idea of Cars and Sweethearts. A young woman gives us tho following follow-ing heautlful llttlo "bong mo" concerning con-cerning Bweothearts: "Sweethearts aro llko electric cars. When you lose one wait a minuto. Thcro will bo another an-other around tho cornor." Origin of Mortgages. Ninety-five per cent of mortgages, as shown by tho census, aro mado In order to Increase tho original holding of proporty or to raise money for business operations, and but 5 per cent aro because of threatened disaster. dis-aster. uainuim )u9o ptiB anon, ouo ui a"oh souiBf,, dmsmuaja oin p-ivoqu jnd Xuodoj oja.v. ojo uojj jo suoj oav pub pajptinq oai puBsnoq) oajj BunpuBH mQJJ JO) P-I03SU Cattle In Argentine. Tho number of cattlo In Argentine Is estimated at 35,000,000. Emperor Menellk's Hobby. Tho Emperor Menellk of Abyssinia, nmong his other hobbles, takes great Intcvtt In clocks and several chro-noin chro-noin tors havo recently been Imported from Switzerland by his Swiss adviser, ad-viser, which vary no more than six seconds In two months. Ras Makon-ncn Makon-ncn has also ordered several curious mechanical clocks from Swiss firms for presentation to tho negus nnd tho empress. Tho most rcmarkablo of theso Is a great chiming clock to Imitate Imi-tate thnt of St. Margaret's, Westminster Westmin-ster Abbey. Knew All But One Thing. Tho professor of mechanics nt an English college onco gavo a lecturo upon tho locomotive, nnd was particularly particu-larly struck by tho absorption of ono Juvenile listener. Ho spoko to tho student stu-dent after tho lecturo, nnd nBked him. "Well. I suppose you understand all about tho locomotive now?" "Yes," was tho reply, "all but ono thing." "And what is thal7" said tho professor klmUy. "I can't mnko out what makes tho locomotlvo move without horses." Stray Stories. Drink from the Clouds. Tho means by which soa birds quench their thirst when far out at sea Is described by an old skipper, who tolls how he has scon birds at sen, far from nny land that could furnish fur-nish them wator, hovering around nnd under a storm cloud, clattering llko ducks on a hot day at a pond, nnd drinking In tho drops of rain as they fell. They will smell a rain squall 100 miles distant, or even farther far-ther off, and scud for It with almost Inconceivable swiftness. Poor Country for Scorchers. Tho Monaco authorities nro making a rich bag out of alleged automohllo scorchers In their "kingdom." Thcro nro no half measures tho cars aro stopped, tho occupants rushed off to the Commlssalro of Police, who, after hearing the chargo, briefly remarks, "Ono thousand francs," nnd tho mono;' has to bo paid before tho victims aro Bet freo. Six cases of this kind In ono day occurred at Monto Carlo recently. Many States Interested. "To stop perjury by parents," Is ono of tho objects of two bills Just Introduced In tho Now York legislature. legisla-ture. It Is of somo present lntorost In this stato to noto that tho two measures meas-ures havo regard to "fake statements of tho ages of their children mado by partents so that they may bo put to work Instead of bolng sont to school." Charleston (S. C.) Nows and Courier. Cou-rier. Turned Him Down Gently. A Now York politician went to tho President last week and Bald: "Mr. President, I want a place. I havo good clalni3 for ono. What will you do for mo?" "Don't sco that I can do a thing," answered tho President "Choato absolutely refuses to resign as ambassador to England, and of course you wouldn't tako anything else. Good morning." Ruminants Defined. "What Is a ruminating animal?" asked tho examination paper. Tommy know. In a fine, bold, convincing round hand, wroto ho: "An animal what chows its cubs." London Globe. Last of Famous Statesmen. Sir Charles Tupper, tho notod Canadian Cana-dian statesman, now 84 years old, Is now tho solo Burvlvor of tho conferences confer-ences of Canadian statesmen who welded the scattered British colonlos of North Amorlca Into a powerful and comprehensive dominion. The "Aye" Had It Senator McComas was pressing an amendment to a pending bill when there were about half a score other members on the floor. It camo to a voto at length and only Mr. McComas responded to tho call for ayes. No ono voted "no" and President Pro Tern. Frye gravely proclaimed: "Tho ayo has It.' Mlssourlans Use Water. Tho Jackson County Judge vouches for this story: "Allen McCurdy's horse fell Into a cistern Sunday afternoon. after-noon. Ho telephoned for tho flro department; water was turned Into the cistern and the animal was floated float-ed to tho top and taken out with no trouble at all." Hemp a Valuable Crop. Moro than nine-tenths of the hemp produced in tho United States Is grown In Kontucky, and at presont prices it Is regarded as second osly to tobacco In profit as a farm crop. The Properties of Metals. Mix 13 per cent of manganeso with steol and tho alloy becomes practically practical-ly non-magnetic. Nickel and aluminum Bteol nlloys aro, on tho other hand, moro magnetic thnn ordinary steel. Hungary Leads In Enterprise. Hungary, tho first country to ndop' cycles for postal servlco, has abo bpen tho first to tako up mortors fnt tho samo purpose. Agriculture Is King. Products of agrlculturo from about two-thirds of our entlro export trade. Last year tho exports from tho farm amounted to $800,000,000. Charles the First's Death Warrant. Howard Raynor, an attornoy of Bal timore, has what is said to bo tho original warrant for the execution of Onirics I. Plan to Entertain Loubet. ' Tho French residents of Trompea loau, Wis., aro planning to entertain Presldont Loubet of France If he comes to tho United States noxt year. There's a Coolness Betwetn Them. For an Illustration of ley politeness watch an old maid chatting with a widow who's had 'hree husbands, Depew Tells Old Joke. A visitor In Washington heard Senator Depow dcllvor a speech tho other day. Tho Now York statesman states-man mado n Joko about pressing tho hand of a fair Mormon widow, the widow numbering seventeen. Tho remark provoked a good denl of laughter, hut it sounded familiar to tho man In tho gallery. Later ho found that Mr. Depew had borrowed tho Joko from a skit written by Arte-mus Arte-mus Ward somo forty or fifty years ago. Fatalism of Indians. In his childhood days Senator Morgan Mor-gan of Alabamn, played a great deal with tho children of Cherokee braves. While mnking a speech about Indians In-dians In tho senate Inst week ho told In slmplo but most affecting fashion how ho nnd Arkeeche, one of his red-skinned red-skinned playmates, went blackberry-lug. blackberry-lug. The Indian boy waB bitten by a rattlesnnko and died. Nono of the Indians thought tho reptile hated Arkeeche, who was bitten, they declared, de-clared, becauso tho Great Spirit wanted him. Sorry He Passed. Up the Student. .Denn Fuertes of tho College of Civil Engineering nt Cornell, who died recently, re-cently, was frequently gruff, though he had tho kindest of hearts. A recent re-cent grndunto tells of going to tho otllco of "Tho Mogo," as ovcrcy ono calcld him, to boo whether ho had been successful In nn nstronomy examination. ex-amination. Tho student was greeted as follows. "Blank, I passed you. God forglvo me!" Trouble with Morocco's Ruler. Tho Sultan of Morocco nppears to bo vastly too progressive for his country. coun-try. Ho uses a European saddlo, wears English riding boots nnd actually actu-ally has allowed hlmsolf to bo photographed photo-graphed In tho act of shaking hands with nn Infidel. Ills subjects look with great disfavor on tho motor enrs which his mnJoBty has Introduced. An Indian Preacher. Rev. Dr. Charles L. Spinning of Orange, N. J., onco an Indian known among tho race as Chief Blackboard, Is now n preacher In tho First Presbyterian Pres-byterian church and is deeply Interested Inter-ested In everything concerning tho wolfaro of the red men. Klralfy Buys Crystal Palace. Tho famed crystal palaco of J,on-don J,on-don hns boon purchased by Imro Klralfy Klr-alfy and will becomo tho ccntor of tho class of amusements mado popular by tho Klralfy brothers. Several others prominent In tho theatrical world aro associated with tho purchaser. Find Use for Straw. Thousands of tons of Btraw produced pro-duced In raising flax for Its seed In Minnesota and tho Dnkotas has hitherto hith-erto been burned. It Is now found to be vnluablo for making both binding twlno and papor pulp. Jews Settling In Palestine. Durln gtho past twenty years Jews havo acquired G1.510 acres of land In Palestine. On this lnnd havo been established twenty-ono villages and thirteen plantations. Formaldehyde Gas. Formaldchydo gas, tho fashlonahlo disinfectant, Is generated during tho Imperfect combustion of wood nlcohol. |