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Show , y V r THATCHER OPERA HOUSE " Monday, April 6. 'finnigan's Ball' PRICES-35C to $1.00 IH. F. Millet Pianos The Best in the World. NEEDHAM ORGAN Eiji nl to any on the market. iY B.&G. THATCHER I 13 Main Street. Headquarters for all kind1? of Musical Mer- oliandlsc. 2,000 pieces of Sheet Music just received. I KODAKS AND SUPPLIES. Brownie Developing Machines $2,00 Catdonj Jewelry Co. LOGAN, UTAH. FO RESALE Logan City and Farm Property. House and two lots In Third Ward. 20 acres land In North Field. 8 Vacant lot near Agricultural Col lege. H Lot 0x12 rods, with Improvements, I corner Main & Second North Streets. Apply to W. W. Maughan, M Logan, Utah. I Assessment Notice. I The Rich Cache, Mining Company 9 principal places of business, Logan 1 City, Utah. , , t m Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of Trustees of 1 The Rich-Cache Mining Company, I held on the 14th day of February 1003, an assessment of seven and one-half H m) mills per share was levied on the ft capital stock of the corporation, pays' pay-s' ,-V- ablo on or before March 20th 1003 to ' Fred Turner, treasurer of said com- I pany, at his otllcc In Logan City Utah Any stock upon which this assess-m assess-m ment may remain unpaid on the 20th 1 day of March, 1903, will bo delinguent and advertised for sale at public auction, auc-tion, and unless payment is made- before, be-fore, will bo sold at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on the 15th day of April 1003, at the front door of the Cache County Court House, Logan City .Utah to pay tlio delinquent assessment, together to-gether with tho cost of advertising and expenses of sale. EnwAiiu Hansen Secretary. The Rich-Cache Mining Company Logan City Utah, dated this 10th day of February, 1003 Ry order of the board of directors made March 18th, 1003, the date- for the above assessment to bo paid, was extended to the 20th day at April, 1003. Also tho sale of delinquent stock at that dato Is extended to May loth, 1003, at the same place as abovo indicated. in-dicated. EnWAHl) IlANSKN, Secretary of the Rich-Cache Mining Company. - ' 1 -osnoti oipiAv oiu uj uuta pumpu3i P.noXisyoo jCjb)0J03S uooq buii 'auo iod OOO'Q J" iivva u oabij WAV UOlBOll AVOU BU U OU.AV 'BOUJBfl JK 'lU0pB3Jd 0111 0 .tJ13JDDS vio ' fl -IBIBSB AOU 'BOUJUU VI UU!UfU8n PUUUI " .UIOD U YOU Spi BB IU11 llA 0)B) l. 'joqai pUB OOJOU11UOO JO luotuvrudop Avoa oijj jo Xjbo.w3b 'nortioijoo ijr j 'JUCISSV S,nO3J00 AlE3J93S I THE "DAVIS" CREAM SEPARATOR H 3 WJSF The Most o Jm Gream SeP- ! JVLSSI "factored M I rjO For Sale by fl MHMHHIIIMMHHnMnilH 'H .',... - ."' '... . - ,, " tH Do you expect to do TAKE $$ jH any Papering this -., n B sp? The Oregon If you do you will make tho mistake . I iiVfl Tjf Short Line! . . I Wwm''' Vor M Jfdrth 1,liclnc Coast ro,nts; : IStc PortIand Seattle. iH IW lOSmili' Spokane, Tacoma iH JSOIl - ' ' jL 'rlIK SHORTEST, QUICKEST, SAF- lH ,jY-y533i8 y?2? E3T; KL1'0AK'r EQUIPMENT. H (0sr ' New Double Daily Train H of your lives by making your selection cTty'V J JJJ S. without seeing the most elaborate LAKLOII AM)IORlLAM). H line to be found in Logan, carried by '. CARDON, BURNHAM, & GO s. spenceu a. g.p.&t.a 112 Main Street. Salt Lake City, Utah. H OUR METHODS: Wo Huy for Cash, Sell for Cash, Fair Dealings. iH OUR MOTTO: "Move tlio Goods, Small Profits, Quid: Returns. iH A Grand Spring Opening Sale I AT H Robinson Bros., The Clothiers, 45 Mai n St., Logan O we ate not going out of business! tl. We are here to stay! H If you will come In and examlno our stock you will be convinced that we have the largest and best so- H lected stock In the city and our prices arc the cheapest. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER OFFERINGS H are a well selected stock of M Trunks, Club Rags, Telescopes, Dress Suit AVo placc on Cases and Valises. Tics, Ties, Tics. We tako off our hat to none. SnPrJfll Sal rnr flnp AXlr llH No other house In Logan can show such a line OpCCiai OaiC IOr KJIIZ W eeK m PT OTT-TTMr" beginning WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st, H l A AlllNLr and ending WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8tli, M for Spring nnd Summer. 11. ICuppcnhulmcr & H Co.'s Shape Retaining. Nothing equal to It In ., , .... ,,,,,.,, , ,-,T H Style, Pattern and Fit. 0llr entire lino of Stiff SILVER nnd GOLD H Kolin Uros.' Gayrock, Celebrated the world Shirts, mado by Geo. P. Ide, at the following H over. prices: H Good Class for Little Gents. SILVER $1 25 Shirts, now 00c. M SHOES, SHOES, 00LD ' co Sh,rts' nmv $1 la 7 ' Sec them In In our North show window. H for Men, Ladies and Children. Spring Stock H now complete. WALKOVER M.fiO Shoe WOrtll icn n Htm nf Mn'tSnrlnir tSiillc i,e fnllmvo. lil 5.00. Also In Oxfords, In Vlci nnd Patent. A1 a "nc or lc" sbl,l,nB bll,ts s lollcros: m QUEEN QUALITY. Fit for real Queens, 810 00 and HI 00 Suits now $0 CO. fH Oxfouls us well. $ i) oo Suits now 5 00. Jl HE AD WEAR iaKi!K wo oirortho We guarantee satisfaction H ,Micesiffyrcompctitio0n'.'r stoc,: ls comp,e, a,ul or refund your money ROBINSON BROS., 1 1 "The Clothiers" 45 Main Street, Logan, Utah I |