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Show Numerous complaints have reached thlsolllco of late regarding to subscribers sub-scribers not receiving their newspapers. news-papers. The complaint is not confined confin-ed to the delivery of the Logan Republican Re-publican only, but others, Including tho Salt Lake papers. We concede that once in a while proper connections connec-tions cannot bo made, through unavoidable un-avoidable circumstances. In such cases, tho patrons should be willing to overlook but when these mishaps become be-come regular the people have a right to complain. Wo merely offer this as a kind suggestions that all parties connected with tho handling and delivery de-livery of newspapors for ,thu public will be as prompt as possible In the discharge of their duties and as for ourselves, wo will endeavor to take our sharo of this advice. The Rev. William M. Waddell, a missionary sent out by the Presbyter-Ian Presbyter-Ian Board, has Just ended a 4,000-mllc trip from Bahla, Brazil, to New York in orderto have a tooth drawn, though much more serious consequence seemed seem-ed to confront him. Two eminent Brazilian physicians told the clergyman clergy-man that what he supposed was an ulcerated tooth was a well-defined cancer, and advised him to take the next steamship for New York, where he could be treated In a hospital. It took eighteen days to reach that port. Mr. Waddell arrived there Friday and went to the Presbyterian Hospital. "I think you need a dentist," said Dr. Elsworth Eliot, the vlstlng surgeon, after a mlcrosoplcal examination. "You have an ulcerated tooth." Dr. Eliot recommended a dentist, who drew tho tooth, and Mr. Waddell says that ho is now better. Mr. Waddell has been stationed In Brazil for several years. |