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Show Hog Raisiug. Eating of good meat has almost become be-come a luxury. The prices paid to farmers for their hogs has Increased lu the last few years at least llfty per cent. Fresh pork Is now retailed over the butcher's block at twelve and a half cents per pound. Tho butchers claim, and we bellevo them, that they arc making no more prollt than they did when the same kind of meat was retailed at eight cents per pound, they having to pay the farmers the difference differ-ence In price. While it appears somewhat some-what harder for those who buy the meat from the butchers, It is apparent appar-ent that the benefits accrue to the farmers, which Is allrlght, for if there Is a class in the community that has to delve and work hard for what he gets It Is the fanner. Thereforo we say these advanced prices are allrlght when It Is plainly seen that the advantage ad-vantage Is gained by the honest work-lug work-lug farmer. It appears to us, with the favorable condition that surround us for producing hogs that more of them should be raised. Men of experience exper-ience who have handled sheep and hogs say that the prollts oil the former form-er are not to be compared with those of the latter. Tho hundreds and thousands of men who arc employed everywhere is an Indication that all kinds of products will be In demand, especially pork. Alfalfa fed in tho summer and sugar beets with a little grain in the fall will niako first class pork. Hogs have been known to thrive and do well through tho winter by feeding on dry lucerne alone, with plenty of water to drink. These points from time to tlmeare well worth the consideration and thought of the farmer. Every farmer Bhould apply for bulletins Issued regularly by the Agricultural College, which can be had for the asking. Ry perusing and studying them carefully, valuable information in-formation can be obtained relative to the feeding of hogs, cattle, horses, etc. Ry experience and observation, we are satislled that hog raising lu this country will prove as profitable as any line of business that a farmer can engage In, if he Is prepared for it. |