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Show No truo and permanent famo can bo founded except In labors, which promote pro-mote tho happiness of mankind. Charles Sumner. When water Is broken Into tnlet It drives no mill; and when clang and clatter sound through door and window, win-dow, things go not well in tho bouso. Claudius. Pcrscvcrence is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud onough at tho gate you are sure to wake up somebody. Longfellow. Wo sleep, but tho loom of ltfo nover stops: and tho pattern which was weaving when tho sun wont down Is weaving whon It comes up to-morrow. W.H. needier. A great llo Is like a great fish on dry land; It may trot and fling, and mako a frightful bother, but It cannot hurt you. You have only to keop still and It will dlo of itself. Crabbe. Slnco wo aro set hero so fast In the midst of duty that wc cannot escapo It wo would, wo must find a way, even if wo cannot find beauty In duty, to bring beauty out of it. Henry Wilder Footo. Those persons who cut themsolvos off from tho world run tho risk of losing los-ing that charity toward othors which bolongs to ttioso who sliaro In tho common dangers of life. Sir. Waltoi Dcsant. |