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Show News From Trlico. C. M. narrls, writing homo from San Francisco states that he would like to have the people of Cache Co. in that city for one week, so they could see how the great Estcy pianos are being be-ing sold. Sherman, Clay & Co., second largest music firm In the United States, make this statement in ono of their advertisements: "Our experience experi-ence covering over forty years, has taught us that for $400 cash the Estcy pianos are the best that aro mado to sell at that figure. The wonderful Stclnway runs from $575 to $5,000. If better pianos were made (that could bo sold for $400) wo would give up tho agency for the better instrument. Wo can tako a stand of this kind because be-cause the factories prefer as agents the larger concerns, selling the greater number of Instruments." This is a great point-in favor of tho Harris Music Co. People know that J In large cities where there is so much competition, prices are down to bedrock, bed-rock, and yet this is just what tho' narrls Muslo Co. has been selling the j Estcy, for $400 cash. They havo been ! doing better than Sherman, Clay & Co. because they have been giving a larger sized piano for $400. They have never claimed that the Estcy piano is the best in tho world but have always admitted ad-mitted that tho great Steinway piano is entitled to that place; but as the best Stclnways cost $700 and a great deal is charged for the name, they havo pinned their faith to the Estcy. Here is a claim they do make: A shrewd buyer can purchase almost any upright piano made except tho Steinway for $400 cash. If he cannot, let him turn the money over to the Harris Music Co. and name his piano, letting them get it for him. Hut it would bo safer to take the Estcy, and then he knows what he Is getting. Tho above statement coming from a firm like Sherman, Clay & Co. a copy of which can be seen at the Harris Har-ris Music Store will have great weight 1 with most people because a house of I their standing would not dare to put I out an advertisement of that kind if 1 the Estey pianos were not what they claim to be. |