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Show H Local Jottings. H i, ' Heavy Ribbed hose for children at B v President Pitkin of Mlllvillo was In B- ,f Logan on Friday. 1 35c Granite Carpets at 25c per yard BBV e at Spando Fiiriilturo Co. The recent storms have made the wagon roads almost Impassable . throughout the county. Bishop "William Hill of Sterling was in Logan, on Friday. Latest styles of Baby Carriages at Spatidc Furniture Co. Two car loads of Rustic at Smith Brothers lumberyard. 42tf The finest and best lino of ladles Muslin underwear at C. K. "W. James L. Ricks, who moved to Rex-burg Rex-burg with his parents some seventcon years ago, is visiting his relatives and friends In Logan. Have you seen that window display of suspenders at Robinson Brothers. If not go, and peep at It. The 0. & F. Building Co. has just received two car loads of additional stock. See ad elsewhere. Wantkd To rent a four room house, close to town. Notify this office. of-fice. I. N. Smith is attending the present pre-sent session of the Presbytery of Utah at Spanish Fork, as a delegate from the church here. Cardon & Burnhan have Just received receiv-ed the ilnest line of "Wallpaper that ever came to Logan. News comes from "Wcllsvlllo that some very young boys entered the post olllco by crawling through the delivery window. The young fellows took sixty cents out of tho money drawer, which was returned to the otllce. Flster and Ncllscn Just received a large stock of Nccts Foot Oil mixed with Lampblack for greasing harness. Docs not draw dust or leave tho harness har-ness gummy. 42t3 F. W. Hoffcr, usually called Bill HolTcr, Is contemplating starting a boxing school in Logan. Mr. HolTcr Is no novice at tho business. He has fought twenty battles In the ring.only being defeated twice. He also fought a battlo of ten rounds with Sharkey, which ended In a draw. The Logan Nursery has hundreds of line ornamental trees for sale. Let each ono buy a tree this year, If unable un-able to buy more, another ono next year, and so on. When they become fairly rooted In place, you will be glad that the Logan Republican reminded re-minded you of this small enterprise. The line samples of Coffee, Tea and Spices exhibited by the Cacho Valley Tea Company are something superb.. Potatoes wanted. Cash paid for all kinds of marketable farm products at the M. &. S. Grain & Seed Co. Center Street. Two of the largest cars of shingles arrived at Smith Brothers that ever camo to Logan. 42t2 ' FOR SALE: A set of Encyclopedia Brlttanlca, 28 volumes, full leather binding, cost $84. "Will sell for $35. Address P. O. Box 70 City. Rev. N. E. Clcmcnson Is at Spanish Fork attending a meeting of the Presbytery Pres-bytery of Utah, and as a consequence there will be no preaching services at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning or evening. Sunday School and Christian Endeavor at tho usual hours. People say that Douglas shoes are the very best for wear, and the most stylish, on the market. For sale by Andreas Peterson. 41-t4 On April first "All fools day" was remembered by some of the urchins of the town. Ono of the star actors of the Barlow minstrels was reminded by a little boy that there might be fresh paint on tho window sill that he was leaning against. The gentleman thanked the lad kindly who laughingly laughing-ly replied "April fool." Considering the quality of goods wo cannot bo undersold. Examine our Wallpaper, it is the very best and cheapest In town. Cardon and Burn-ham. Burn-ham. Bishop Durfee of Beaver Dam was in Logan on Friday. Ho states that the power house on Bear river Is being 'rushed to completion, this being In connection with the Sugar Factory. The Bishop also states that a grist mill will be build near tho sugar factory fact-ory in that valley and things in general gen-eral are on tho boom. E. L. Earnes, a genuine Logan boy born and bred here, after a short ramble over the country has concluded conclud-ed to remain in his old home. He says "Logan Is good enough for me." Mr. Fames has engaged as a caterer for W. II. Hurst, thellquormerchant. "Curly," as ho Is socially called, will no doubt hold his present position, as he Is "well up." Ladies Egyptian Cotton Hose, 2 pair guaranteed to wear all summer at C. K. W. Now Is the time to oil all leather used on the farm. A genuine article of Neatsfoot oil for this purpose can be obtained at Rltcr Bros. Drug Co. The Cache Valley Tea Company at the old Fair stand, will be ready for business next Thursday. Everybody Is invited to Inspect their elegant selections selec-tions In Teas, Coffees, Spices, etc. Notwithstanding the Inclement weather, the Barlow Minstrels were out in full uniform on Wednesday with their band dlscurslng very fine music, while our old polonccr friend Samuel Whitney favored the audience to a step dance on tho sidewalk, keeping time with the music of course. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Goodwin, who have been In San Francisco for the past four months returned to Logan on last Thursday. The Judge says they have had a pleasant time, enjoying en-joying good health with the exception of a touch of rheumatism brought on himself by the unusual spell of wet weather that has prevailed on the coast during the past winter. Leave your orders for Rocksprlngs and Clear Creek coal at Spando Furniture Co. Tho directors of tho West Cache Canal company were In Logan on Wednesday attendlug to business affairs af-fairs which will culminate In bringing bring-ing tho water out to Camon station at once. The necessary relief was again given by Geprgo II. Champ, for who the directors have nothing but commendation com-mendation and words of praise. Mr. Champ has surely been a friend to this enterprise and we trust that at the completion of the canal project, the benefits accruing will be mutual with Mr. Champ and the farmers. |