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Show 5 H BRIEF TRAILERS. H Glory hasn't any credit at tho bank. ' M Tho contented man Is usually played i M for a sucker. M Idleness Is tho post-graduato course '"! l of worthlcEsncss. K H A song In tho heart Is better than a M chorus In tho stomach. ' Beware of the man with a grlov- ' " M ance. Ho may mnko good. 4 Kvcn the comparatively sober havo H no objection to the gold euro. V U It Is tho good ilono without thought p M of reward that usually gats It. M Pcoplo who tako no thought of tho H future tako little of tho present. H Thoro nro degrees of evil-doing-, but M nono of them nro worth taking. U A man carries his momory In his H pocket when there Is ltttlo elso thoro. M It Is easy to forgot a slight when It Is tho other fellow that Is slighted. H The dlschargo of every duty to-day fl Increases tho opportunities of tomor- ,M When a man loses nil faith In liu- 'M manlty ho may bo said to bo at tho , end of his journey. 'fl One may not sing nnd yet havo mu- ! sic in his soul. Tho most of tho songs iiH of llfo nro unsung. jH Tho world loves nn optimist. Kvcn a poker player likes to hear his oppo- H neut say, "That's good." M No ono can ndd to tho general fund jf of enjoyment by simply decrying 'tho j efforts of his fellow ir.cn. jJ No man may expect to enjoy him- 'H self fishing unless ho has something M bettor than worms in his bottle. fl In llfo's handicap the man who sties M tho ghost walk would llko to see It handicapped with a llttlo extra weight. H One of tho drawbacks of the teto- M phone Is that while a man Is waiting H for his number ho may hear fifteen M women talking at the ono tlmo which M Is bringing tho hen convontton to his H very door. M |