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Show WHERES. Tho new word 'manywhero" has been accepted and Is now used manywhero. many-whero. Tho running of slot machines In tho different smokowhero has been stopped. In Utah candidates for ofilco aro questioned as to tho location of their wlfowhero. Tho Now York pollco authorities raided another lot of pokerwhero night before last. Two of Kentucky's whlskywhcro closed last weak mvlnc tn tlin Rlinrf. age In the supply of corn. A new ballot In ono of tho thcators has caused an unusual demand for Beats In tho baldheadwhcre. Letters addressed to Sioux Falls, Dlvorcowhere, will bo properly transmitted trans-mitted by tho postal authorities. A man who wandered on tho auto-whero auto-whero lato yesterday aftornoon said, aftorward that ho wished ho had a chanco to soloct a bettor fallwhere. A MARRIED MAN'S MU8ING8. Tho pleasures that aro swootost to tho taate aro thoso wo havo nover toatod. A good many more men would pro-poso pro-poso If thoy weren't afraid of being accepted. Aftor thirty years of marriod llfo 1 confess that I am ruthless, trutbloss and toothless. A man's first child mnkos him feci ton years youngor; his fifth adds three generations to his ago. Definition from my now Matrimonial Matrimo-nial Dictionary: Optimist A man who has been married two months. Definition from my now Matrimonial Matrimo-nial Dictionary: Pessimist A man who has beon married two yearn. "How many years does It tako a woman to learn uot to talk to hor husband whllo ho's shaving?" I askod Jameson. "I don't know," ho ropllod. "I've only boen marriod olght years." Pittsburg Dispatch. |