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Show CEDAR Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday May 23. 24. and 25 : .AMERICAN INTER I NATIONAL'S Mali I .PATHECOLOR- PANAV1SI0N' 01964 Amtfktn International t ictutei Plays Full Week May 26 through June 1 CONTINUOUS I POPULAR PERFORMANCES! I PRICES! I STANLEY KRAMER TPS A ' """'MAD, iiifM MAD, MAD, : UNITED ARTI5TS WUHLU . EffiDf i Times m True Olii-Style Sgfe Kentucky -. Bourbon KENTUCKY STRAIGHT I0URS0N WHISKY II PROOF EARLY TIMES eiSTIUERY COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY Croc tsss (:': f men p; : WHO MATCHED V-V."' .ffl&V.--': OUR MOUNTAIN ; ' nty T X'''- '' Once it was a mountain. Today, after 60 years of copper ,' jfip!f$$ 'vV. h production, it is Kennecott's Bingham Canyon Mine half ? A-yj i TiVf '-vH a mile deep, nearly two miles wide. It took men to create fc?;. J-fv ".v hv:: this world-famous industrial achievement big men and big ';V' machines. 'j'l C ; 1 Year by year, the machines have become bigger and more fe; $ svJbwI ; H i complex. The men, too, have grown. With years of experience, Vf '' 1 at M L V rv .;ywj trtor rioiro inrroaeorl tKf.ir lnrkivlorl r.o onrl cl ill THrOUH, tHciT ' ' Ti ' Pst fF ? mastery of the machines, they accomplish production feats I I V N LrV , today that would have been considered impossible just a few I J I id ) n v; : : years ago. t J jj 'TTlV' ' Copper production at Kennecott's Utah Copper Division p . : i -I lj&Jt 1 represents an investment of more than $30,000 per employee - flHutA " ' in machines, plants and equipment. This is dwarfed by the pf . j JKfij incalculable value of the men of copper who make all these ;y!: I IsTffltrM 1 inanimate objects come alive. p.:-: 1 Jifj Because of their specialized talents, Kennecott's employ- wsr I I hi A 4 i ees tower over giant equipment. They are today's standard ' , f h MvJA bearers for the Men Who Matched Our Mountain. I ;v ' -w 'jffi&l Kennccott Copper Corporation ; J wr- 'HfliK. Walt Copper Division j 'Tt,i . ' t -f 'Jti I i.i V7 "An E(jual Opportunity Employer" i i j ml ma U U tr fl3 ' 7; t ) r J ;si ssj " "in sf'T' si mt I I I I I I I I I Hfl I iiitlsiiir s-SJisi st 1 lit -hi v , |