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Show Lt Dayne Gardner Completes 3-Year Assignment First Lieutenant Dayne Gardner Gard-ner and his wife and son are visiting vis-iting in Cedar City after completing com-pleting a three-year assignment with the U. S. Marine Corps at Pearl Harbor In the Hawaiian Islands. Lt Gardner is the son of Mayor and Mrs. Kumen Gardner of Cedar Ce-dar City and Mrs. Gardner, the former Betsy Lunt is the daughter daught-er of Mr. and Mrs. Lanell Lunt, also of Cedar City. The Gardners will remain In Cedar City visiting with members of the family and friends before leaving on June 5 for Monterey, Calif., where Lt. Gardner will enter en-ter the U. S. Navy Post Graduate School. Lt. Gardner entered the service through the Navy ROTC program upon graduation from the University Uni-versity of Utah. For the past yeai he has served serv-ed as the officer in charge of a Riffle Range Detachment at Pearl Harbor. The Gardners will now make their home In Monerery, where he expects to remain in the Post Graduate School from two to three yer.rs. |