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Show GraduationRitesSet atParowanHighj The committee in charge of I arranging the Graduation exer-1 clses at the Parowan High School has the program almost com-1 plete for the event, to be on! a different order this year than heretofore, we understand, with members of the graduating class helping in the arrangements. The commencement exercises will be held on Thursday, May 27 in the Parowan Third Ward chapel, beginning at 8 p. m. Representatives Rep-resentatives of the class who will have prominent parts on the program, pro-gram, are as announced last week. They are Norman Robinson, Robin-son, Marie Rasmussen, Elliot Hulet, Hu-let, Gay Rowley and Gary Jensen. Jen-sen. The program will begin with the processional and march of graduates at 8 with Mrs. Ola Robinson at the organ. James Green will offer the invocation and Diane R. Sandberg will offer of-fer the benediction. Principal Bruce Decker will present the graduates, and diplomas will be awarded by Superintendent Ian-thus Ian-thus Wright Members of the graduation committee are Mr Decker, Marvin Mar-vin Graff, Mrs. Marguerite Orton Or-ton of the high school faculty; Clinton Bentley, Emily Dalton and Marie Rasmussen, class members. Robert Potter, head of the school music deparment. Is assisting with music for the program. pro-gram. The decoration committee consists con-sists of Mary Ann Dalton, Judy Prltchard, Robert Mercer and Ray Holcomb. Davie Hyatt has the programs in charge. The sound system will be in charge of Michael Cartwright and J. 1v Rarton. Following the graduation exercises ex-ercises the annual graduation dance will be held in the high school gym. Activities for the graduates will be held following follow-ing the dance and will be prepared pre-pared by the high school PTA. Forty-three members of the 1965 senior class have applied for graduation, and are listed as follows: Randall Adams, Shirley Adams, Steven Applegate, J. Lowe Barton, Bar-ton, Rodney Benson, Clinton Bentley, Pamela Carter, Michaell Cartwright, Emily Dalton, Mary Ann Dalton, Alan Felstead, James Green, Janet Gurr, Lucln-da Lucln-da Smith Hall, Ray Holcomb, F.lliot Hulet, Linda Gai Hulet, Davie Hyatt, Gary Jensen, William Wil-liam Knight, Linda Thacker Lister, Lis-ter, I'enny Matheson, Raymon Ma'thtson, Robert Mercer, Gregory Greg-ory Miller, Jerry Mortensen, Joe I Navajo Joe Nez, Carol Ann Orton, Ju-'dy Ju-'dy lYitchard, Marie Rasmussen, 'Albert Robb, Lina Sue Bess Rob-ilnson, Rob-ilnson, Norman Robinson, Wayne 'Robinson, Gay Rowley, Sharon ' Rowley, Dlanne Rogerson Sand-i Sand-i berg, Thomas Taylor, Dewey Topham, Lynn Kay Topham, Wil-lian Wil-lian Trimmer and Margaret Truman. |