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Show City Council Turns Attention to Street And Water Improvement Projects ' At Monday night's meeting of the Parowan City Council, Mayor Osmer Nielsen reports that Larry Manzione of leaver met with the group and asked that Parowan City lease the municipal airport to him. The airport has received very little attention for several years and has had little use during dur-ing that time. Mr. Manzione, in his request for a lease .on the installation, stated that he would like to lease it for a fueling stop for airplanes and to establish a flying service for this locality. In his statement state-ment to the council he stated that because of increased plant for recreation in this area, including in-cluding skiing facilities, that there is need for such a service. Mr. Manzione's proposal war discussed by the council and wa; then tabled for a future decisiot. awaiting additional lnformatioi. from Mr. Manzione. D. Watson Adams met witi the council as representative o of a group Interested in a mori adequate water supply for Par owan City, and asked if then is anything that can be done U improve the water supply prob lem since the proposed bond issue to improve the system was turned down by the voters last winter. In spite of the results of thi election Mr. Adams muted thai many people were interested in getting an enlarged supply ol culinary water for the residents Mayor Nielsen proposed that a committee be named to meet and draw up plans for improving improv-ing the water system, and to work with the city council in a:i advisory capacity. Mayor Niesen was authorized to name the members of the proposed committee, com-mittee, with the approval of the council. Mr. Adams. also made a protest pro-test against the dumping of rub-ish rub-ish on his land which adjoins the Parowan City dump ground on the east. He stated that some residents were turning off the road up to tlie dump ground and unloading rubbisli on his property. prop-erty. H? also asked if the city could do something to prevent paper and paper boxes from blowing onto his land from the dump ground, and suggested that fencing may be the answer to the problem.' The council too!; no immediate action on Mr. Adams' request at that time but will make a study of the prob lem at future meetings. I The condition of many of Paro-1 wan City streets was discussed at length, and following the discussion dis-cussion the Streets and Sidewalks committee of the council, with Charles F. Burton, chairman, was authorized to take steps to have these streets repaired or rebuilt. The commltte was instructed State Road Department, and go over the city, to determine which of the streets should receive first consideration.'' and then work with the department In making plans for this Improvement project. pro-ject. The hfghway department made an of let to assist the city last year in planning the street improvements, but was delayed with the thought that the street improvements should be delayed until the water system improvement improve-ment project was carried out. This latter project didn't materialize so the city council will now turn its attention to the street problem. prob-lem. Several years of appropriations f Parowan City's share of the State Class B Road funds, have been earmaked for such a purpose, pur-pose, and are now available for use on the st: ?ets, we understand. At the lequest of the Parowan City Beautification Committee, the council made available city trucks and workers to haul off .-ubbish for those citizens of the ity, who do not have equipment for this purpose, with Saturday jf this week set for the first big jush of the season. |