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Show 1MARY ANDERSON'S GIFT TO THE J CHUKCH. j . Mary Anderson cle Navarro, the fa- j Mi us beauty and former actress, has 1'ulU a monastery near her old home Ht Louisville, Ky., and given it as an offering to the Catholic church. The faithfulness of Mary Anderson while on the stage to her church is well known. She was as regular in her devotions de-votions as the strictest members of her church, despite the distinctions of dramatic dra-matic life. The inonaste;- which she has lately built is just across the Ohio river from Louisville, in Indiana, "at New Albany. I It stands upon a rich estate of 400 acres, I .ill of which is given to the church. The monastery building is a frame j structure about KZxZZ feet, two and one- I half stories high, facing east. I fhie the first tloor to the right is a chapel, where the ' priests'' say mass I every week day and sing mass and ves- I pers on Sundays and holy days. I The altar is the same as in most j Catholic churches, and over the'taber- I Hade is a large picture of St. Francis. I on the left side of the ground lloor are the dining room and kitchen. On the 1 ' ."-econd floor are the sleeping apartments I .Mid living rooms of the priests and brothers. Surrounding the building is a garden, and the fathers own several horses, cows and hundreds of chickens. The Franciscan monks who have taken ta-ken up their abode there live quietls. The 'brothers," as they are called, till the soil and make the clearings in. the forest. They have about forty acres under cultivation .and the rest of the land which is tillable is rented out on shares. The brothers, besides doing the farm work, take care of the house, do the cooking, scrubbing and other work necessary in a household. Their wants are few and are easily supplied. This is a rugged country, and the farm is still If or the most part covered with virgin forest and underbrush. Mary Anderson's uncle, P: Anthonv Miller, was a. Franciscan- priest. This I monastery is a memorial to him. He j was for some years rector of St. Peter's a church in Louisville. He died in No- I vember, 1878, and is buried in St. Mich- I ad's cemetery, which Ls the usual bur ial plce of German Catholics in that city. It WaJ the' training which Mary Anderson An-derson received from this gooid old Priest-uncle in her girlhood days that had much to do with her future fidelity fidel-ity and affection for her church. |