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Show ' ' : " Are-you going to buy any iP If you live out of the city write (. i ' - . ' tV'- V Tf , V' VM-4: sJJJl AS" rAW ' ' , . . - -r f ' jfSVsO'' --S-X -Christmas Presents? it you are do ' for our Catalogue and it is yours ' Y . ' lv' ''."";-'':.; not forget a niece piece of furniture : ' KSp?S5SP for the asking. Send for one. It Vv-;V-Vj?? t iir-irSi MSffiSfS! is the nicest thing you could buy, fegpfp is complete in every detail. We S Y?J J f I WSt-'l '" - ' l '-' ' as it is -something that is always 'gSSSliWAs make no charge for packing. L ' ;',VV- 1 j ';'--.;V-' ...SggPTy rr32 before the receiver to remind thsm gjr- s. jf ig IF Just received the latest creations . . ' 'plSIfeS : " MSI in Pictures. Visit our Art r.-om. - I . 0;i-:M ff h ' ""1 ' ' -Our stock is larger now than lgpg Hjl-l-j ( k ' 0; - ' CDI j ever in-anticipation of the Holiday yir;' We are having this .week the II jj l tfeS J . 1 Trade. We have everything that jj' Largest Sale of Lace, Silk and ILj ' f i I i m . kA- - -- I is needed in a home from cellar to $ Tapestry Curtains ever held in f v'l t i- I i&p - 4. 'thiscitv - 1 V garret. . tnis city. . Five Piece Parlor Suit, Elegantly finished in Mahogany Frame, Upholstered in Heavy French Velour of Various Colors and designs, was $45.00, frj fA This Week - ' - - - :" " " v ' ' ' " " ' " - - - - p3LDU |