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Show I ST. ELIZABETH'S. I j The.annual Forty Hours devotion at If St. Elizabeth's Church closed on Tues- I day evening. There was a very large attendance, showing the devotion of the people of this parish. .Father Francis, Father Hugo and Father Bernard Ber-nard were kept very busy. The celebration cele-bration of mass was followed by a solemn sol-emn procession. In this were the school children, all dressed in spotless wiiiite, the members of the C. M. B. A. and the L. C. B. A. wearing their insignia of membership, and Commandery No. 247, Knights of St. John, in full uniform, I and led by their captain, F. W. Pa- j I roth. The Blessed Sacrament was ex- . posed to the adoration of the faithful., The services marking the close of the devotion were very impressive. They were participated in by the various Church societies, and the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will end the ceremonies. : Catholics generally asked for the re- mission of all sins committed during (the year by visiting their Church and praying. Following the period of devotion de-votion came the giving thanks to God for the grace he has given. This oc- j curred on Thanksgiving Day, when sol- j cmn High Mass was celebrated at the : usual hour in the morning. at all the s churches in the city. |