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Show $ 00$. -00"(-&'0""'0- o30---e0-20-0-,"0,,, a . -i iREt Regularly Priced, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 a yard, for I $lSO. t Sale Begins Tuesdaj, Dec. 12, Closes Saturday, Dec. 16. J t - x Ihey are the newest of the new pattern designs wearers are now mailing, and they come to us straight from manufacturer for the holiday selling. Our eastern buyer sent word there was opportunity for a pick- 'up at under-vedue price and that it ivould probably be the rvry last , chance at Crepon this winter. Well, they are here. You get them just as ' we did, UNDER PRICE, dud ivhile gift giving is the all-absorbing i theme of the time, let us say, next to handsome silhs for gifts come the f Crepons. These are of exquisite black dye, and a wide range of pat I em designs to choose from, They would sell under regular conditions at $ $2.00 up to $2.75 ) i Tuesday 1 until-Saturdaywe hope to sec none left by t that time SI. 50 the yard:' t t -" , - Bow $ tl)t time , . ' to leave. the old cook stove in the summer kitchen and buy a $ new Steel Range. In doing so do not deceive yourself by Qll f purchasing something cheap and showy that will give out in . . 5 -j short time, but buy a range that has a reputation, one that & i. vyy will last a lifetime. We have sold i I the'Miller Monitor Steel Range for I -: -' more than twenty-five years, and . J '"' 1 . I )Xr- it is more popular today than ever. K" t ' Aiii We. have' sold, more this season f Js .. i I' rpSI than any before, and complaints V' 7 - jjsfcSW f -!tM9 ':: are unknown. : l'-'M t V ig&tsm& For a heater we ask you, to try l: 1 I ffl ourSoft Coal G2m Hot Bla3t,which f;Sh ":. J ' gives more heat than a base bur- fe'l ymS ner, and at half the fail ' ' ' ' S C-.V,'! 6 i HillerMoTitor Range 7 ?f ?Y f thtT F ' '"r j Erie Oil Heaters for bath and small - V Erm y rooms. Look at our varied line, ft",? "mV.'NL I I V before buying elsewhere, as we aim fenrs J - . y to have the best in the market, and ;r" ".--"'"" j C j I j z.-o. m. i. Viitef j , Salt Lake City, Utah. T. G. Webber, Snpt. . Erie Oil Heater. j To my many friends and patrons: I wieh to notify that I have removed to 172 South Main Street, . H. D. sXeiNE, , Merchant Tailor. Ladies Tailoring a decided Specialty. New Store, New Goods. Large Assortment As-sortment to select from. Telephone 823 5 rings. ' . UNION ASSAY OFFICE 152 S.' West Temple St., Salt Lake City, L'tah. M. S. HANAUER, A. C, Manager. Samples by Mail or E; ;pres3 Will Receive 5 Prompt Attention. '. Analytical Work a Specialty. Analyses Made of bres, Minerals, Coal. Coke, Mineral Waters.Etc. u,' . References: Wells. FargD & Co.. Mc-i Cornick & Co.. T., R. Jones & Co.v Union National . Bank and- Desret National Bank. - - ' UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. The National Bank of the Republic. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.. f Capital $300,000.00 j Surplus and Undivided Profits.... '1.241.50 Deposits 773.43U3 I OFFICERS. I FRANK KNOX. ' GEO. A. LOWE, President. VW Pres. . CD, W. DUNCAN. Cashier. UTAH COAL. GASTLE GATE, SUNNYSIDE, WINTER QUARTERS, CLEAR CREEK, Lump, Nut and Slack. ANTHRACITE, all sizes; COKE,. CHARCOAL, BLACKSMITH. P. V. COAL CO., 73 South Main Street. I Telephono 42D. D. J. -SHARP, Agent. THE F. W. GARDINER CO. Printers, Paper Rulers and Blank Book Makers, . . v. 127 West First South St., . j ' ' SALT .LAKE CITY, UTAH. j Prompt 'sen-Ice, strictly first-class work at reasonable prices. Special attention to , mall orders. mm ill bail CAPITAL PAID IN, $200,000. General -Banking in All its Branch Directors Dr. Theodore Meyer, John j" Daly. O. J. Salisbury, Moylan C. ' Fox" Thomas Marshall, W. P. Noble, George M. Downey, John Donnellan. A. V. Holde'n. Office, 60 W. Second South. Telephone SS. The Lanjton Lime Cement Co. ' . " ' ' LIME. PORTLAND CEMENT JtED MINERAL PA TNT .PLASTER AND HAIRj SILICA SAND, " FIRE BRTCK,' FIRE CLAY. SALT LAKE CITY - ... - - Utah. iiiiiniii, j (INCORPORATED.) j The Family Liquor Store j of the City. j Agents for Schlitz Milwuakee Boitlei j Beer. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. j f Njs. 11 and 13 East Second South. f -jam v si'-iLJ '-WFLVUi.g S?r;ijais 'sriioui J --trT -ssanAON put? suooCjj uj a:jtAnos I ' f TisoaD IfWJ'JS jo U3:g j EVIL Airis, Pres. R. W. Nicol. Sec'y. SAIT IAKE ELE(TR1( SUPfilV (0. I CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS. Wholesale and Retail . Electric Supplies. Eest Assorted Line nf Electric Futures ' ? West of Chicago. I -f Telephone No. S. j 15 W.'lst South St., Salt Lake City. Uta!, KELLY & COMPANY,' ; Printers, . ' lithographers, - ' Jlfg. Stationers, "'-' Blank Book - JIakersr., 6S W. Second South St., Salt Lake tity. Utah. '. - ' |