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Show Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. Moun't St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum. Sisters of Charity In charge. Homer boulevard. - between West' Forty-first and AVest Forty-fourth avenues. St. Clara's Orphan Asylum. Conducted by tha Sisters of St. Francis. 832 Tenth street. " ' . St. Anthony's Hospital. Conducted bv the Sistera of St. Francis. West Sixteenth Six-teenth avenue, between Quitman, and Raleigh streets. St. Joseph's Hospital. Sisters nf Charity Char-ity in charge. - located on Humboldt street, corner of Eighteenth avenue. C'athoiic Knights of America. No. 368 Meet at Charles Building on the second and fourth A ednesdays of each month John J. Hagus. President; John Grieblinir' Recording S&cretarv. St. Patrick's Mutual Benevolent So-ciety.-Meet at 323 Charles Block on Monday evening of each week. W Car-rlV,.President: Car-rlV,.President: T. McGuaran, Treasurer; William Brophy, Secretary. |