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Show DENVER ADVERTISEMENTS. j j E. P. McGOVERN, 1443 ARAPAHOE STREET. Denver, Colo. Wood. Metal ana Cloth Cases, AND CASKETS. Hne. Hardware. Robes. Linings and Funeral Furniture. SO THE PEOPLE MAYKN0W DR. DAMERON S dental work is. so perfect per-fect that it can t be improved on by any dental at any price. See Dr. Dameron s special inducements this month-Jj for a $10 set of teeth: JW for the best set of teeth on earth; J. a tooth for gold crown and bridge work; 50c for silver fillings-gold. fillings-gold. $1 up; air and gas us-d; no pain- 50c to remove tartar; open niirhts and Sundays. Sun-days. ALBANY DENTAL PARLORS. Union block, Arapahoe St., opposite P. O. Graduate of the Oriental School of Embalming. W. P. HORAN, Funeral Undertaker and Embalmer. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. j Telephone 1,368. 930 Fifteenth St. - - - - Ch tries Block. I Denver. Colo. I I E. E. BURLINGAME & CO., Assay Office and Chemical Laboratory Established in Colorado. 1866. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt and careful attention. ' GOLD HHD SILVER BULLION 5 Me0reapau' chased. CONCENTRATION TESTS a.rfor 1736-173S Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. A W. CLARK, FAMILY DRUGGIST, Dispenser of Medicine. Telephone 1460 Night Bell. Corner Eighth and Santa Fe Avenues. Mall orders receive prompt attention-Denver. attention-Denver. Colo. CHAS. F. CUNO, ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. Gold, Silver Lead, 73 cents each. Any two, $1. All three, J1.25. Copper. $1. Zinc. $1.50. Iron. Manganese, Silica, J2.0O each; all three, $.j.0O. Prices on other chemical work furnished upon application. Amalgamation, Amal-gamation, Cyanide. Chlorination tests. $5 each. 1732 Champa St.. P. O. Box 784. DENVER, COLO . NAST, TaEOREAT BABY PHOTOGRAPHER Corner 16th and Curtis, Opp. Tabor Opera House. Denver - -- -- -- -- -- - Colo. MEDAL AWARDED By the National Photograph Assoclatloc at Jamestown. N. Y.. July. 1339. roTORDllOTEL; jSear Union Depot, Denver, Colo. Fire-proof. Popular Prices. Strictly First-class. Rates for Rooms. $1 to $2 per day, spedaJ Monthly Rates. First-class Restaurant. I OTTO KAPPLER. . , C. H. MORSE. jTHEGEYSERITE SOAP CO., ! Manufacturers of DENVER BEST AND WHITE ROSE Laundry Soaps. t Denver. Colo. I loq"15ab1n"bakery I j 1207 Fifteenth Street. Pure Rye Bread. " ' ! Rye Bread with Caraway peed. FIRST-CLASS MEALS, lie. te07 Fifteenth St.. ..Denver,. Cn;ov ' . ' i.'a- :' t .' i u me r-'ip-;T-.-3-V. -., ! iv;v-,;.-;-r .7, 7iS2Klwnli ; v..-a IffiPTOCTIIFIIOIKMHE NORTE DAME, INDIANA. j FULL COURSES IN Classics Letter i Economies and History. Journalism, Art' Science. Pharmacy. Law. Civil. Mechanic! al and Electrical Engineering Architecture. Archi-tecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. ' ROOMS FREE to all Students who have completed the studies rci'iircd for admission ad-mission into the Junior .r Senior Ye i of anv of the t'oll-ci-ite cur" i ROOMS TO RENT, m.-lerat'e 'c'har-e to students over seventeen t.reuariiiK for Collegiate Courses. A limited number of ea:;iii,iates for th.- Ecclesiastical state will be received n' special rates. ' L ST. EDWARDS HALL, for hv uncVr 13 years, is unique in the compl-ren-' of its equipments. . Ihei,,:t.h,?e:,r Vl Pen September 5th, 1&S0. Catalogues free. $2.75 PQX-RA1N COAT ' j Wvjf JUikiyro;.!! ob S2.75. j Send No Kcney. (-,,t.u"s?'1 out J yfVVV ' and nenil to us. 1 .t stule your bfurln aad wHitbt, stata -j p, i! number of inches around body at j j -4 breitt taken over veti uwler cent M fi,'t:r f -, ' i, ektfeup under anna, and we wiil B '-' t ' ' send you tlu coat h express. I. O. I V??, i ' 'f"'- u''j'"e,,,'nil",' examine 1 : A Xand try Icon at your nearest ex- I . '1 '""- fCj--' 1 pre off.ee ord if found exactly ''' Fr "if as represented and the most won-t',-. derful value you ever saw or heard : !i l;i:l?r of anil equal to an y coat tou can bu v ".-ir fnrli.00. paythetxprfwanent our special - i sff-rprlre, 2. 75. and erpresg charts. b , : C' THIS MACKINTOSH Is latc.-s I " l?ystvle. made Iroin bm; wanrpronf, t ' tan to'iar, trrnuia DavlsCowtl'lotli: extra ffi .f V lonff, dou!le breasted, Sairer velvet v-..' collar, fancy rluid lining, waterproof f"i sewed, strapped and cemented seams. uJT- j -''.' "j 'suitable for both rain orrrai. and Car-TJ K'Juranteed reatest value ever trred fc-V A 1 i"4 by us or any other hou-e. Forirea ?i i'lh s "P' of Men's Mackintoshes u p to -w) anl Made-to-Measure Sm.is and Overcoats at from 85.00 to Jiu.oo, write lor lr Book Sa. HOi'. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICACO, ILL. (Sean, Boebaek to. an tharanchly reliable. killtr. V hWSWITCH'LFRSE Jl ON EASY CONDITIONS. ( t'j Cut this ad. out and mail to ns. Sends f I Vj small samnle or vourbmir.cutclosetotha ' A roots. SK.U SO flOSKTi we will make and i send yon by mail, postpaid, a fljlE HUMA1 K&W HAIR SWITCH, " " fv! Vj inches lony from selected human hiir. f 2 ounces, short stem. We vill inclose V V ,1 Ja pacicatvi-Uti switch sntB -leat postage A'.-J toretnru '.t to aslf aol perfeeily MlisfaHory. I,yrv7 but if fouiid exactly as represented ami . y. V v? ms extraordinary value and you wish Ai' ; to OP iCellhpr vend oa tt.50l)T sail within fri- j 1 .jtw rSK OKDKRS FOB 3 SWlTtllK I C V'A f SI.M Kllll amonz yoar friends and . ''A J -d 5t T'teeat any Barer, wetoserd m' . 3 the 3 w?tt,i to then. di: eci by mail. If fe. .Sm to h r.v:l mi 10 rinys efter received If H ( par.':t!yst:sf9i:tory.and7i7eaatheave "i v th awit we tend you frea forjourCroaWi. ? 1 f.J U'tciie Plznom, Organs. Sewing "hii.fi, je! 5,-4 1':1,''v' Farailnrt, Watches, Bie;fls, s"JI ' ,;,d Cher pmaiams for laki fvj jN-$; orte-a fo O-?- switches. On lady earned QlLJiJ a 'b JM ia fl'T dT, one a Sw!n JIafhla In tavs. '-, r a Switch at once or writatWayrorrjiEiiP'ilUfit-JIOFi-Ei:. A.iarw., Ladies ialr lir.porium,' Chicago. 1 UNITED. Tel. 2043. I WOODWORTH'S WALLACE'S 1 1 Shorthand College. Business College. I w! A. WwSTOiiSl ROBERT J. WALLACE, Principal. Prepare for Office Work. - Prepare for Business. J I in9Champa Street, - - - D:nver, Colo. . THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE DENVER NORMAL AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 1543 Glenarm Street, Denver, Colo. VTe have solved the problem of a eh ort ar.d complete course in Stenography at, less than one-half the coat by the old systems. No teacher, student or professional pro-fessional man cr woman need be without a practical knowledge of this time-saving time-saving accomplishment. Students may becin at any time. School open through the summer- ' i 4-POUND CATALOGUE. FIR gig i K'-- i THIS BIG CATALOGUE "' p. usxisxiiiehea 1 $-jJ2--it wtiHmuuc ln sjze conIain, oreP luojMi quotation. ; 4lSS''Sll m IL I ' ! 1 JtAi-TTTF W,0oO lllusiratlonr. Ih lrerl. m-ist eaaipl.ie and lnt arleed ralalmrne ftfaQ:13SAnU eerp'iiJ. HAKES THE lOWtST WHOLESALE CHICA00 PRICES CM NSS!SSi tm-'SS' V& IVtaYTHINO Inciuaimr ever (iunic In r-e.r. Biwa, On-. - S-iS 3 Svv 'J VSitoV j ilaas, tjialii, Cloaka, Ursf. Boor j and Sho. Wairhra. Jwirr, Bo. ;w32 "rao'-i'2u'Vjlnit-.45 Hanfwans 8lo.. Arrlraltnral InplrairaU, Fnrnliarr. Harness. Hiildlrs, SS3. WUfc.':ro.3 Ba.,1 Btmimm aw . Vrmlmrjr, Ilmai, PlaasM. Xaial l-ra. i pySi?s'f'JZZS5 fr'fff'TSt;" "Swi FurnlsblBf floods, t-s, K.ol..r, Klskioc Tarklr. Bityi-I., I"alaraihi. j -aS&titV-jttZ,m? 6ood, Kle. Tells just wbat your storekeerei1 at home niurt pay for i -f t! 3'K;iV-iiSvViU3." eTOPTthinsf he huysaml will prerent him Irom overchotvimr ymion ''VV"r1 8 1, V- - n'Ti 'i'' iifi'' r'TiT 1 f i anything you buy ; explains just hnw to order, how mm-h the trrigM, , i.-' 1 Cite n. 1 'iiinkAI .x.rei. or nail will be on anythinjr to vour town. The b Ig boo L. 1 VaSallsSsSKERS tjM'g 3 rnntananenrlT 01.00. the po-tnire alone iscenta. MimmFM oim free orFSR.'.r.'S'y: r.'?1?ir Sa-5iJS!-VV help pay the 3 cents poaiaire. a.d lhaBlr Bonk will be acut tn jon H1KR lSt t-11&-&hiX&&Jn by all pMtpald.anrt ir vou don't think it Is wortn K0 times th l.S.-enr 3 f&jifVt?x:- L. . F1 you send, as oaev tithe lowest wholesale prices ot8Ter.ru Ing. say - jteUZ l&M'-'lf&A WHAT T1IK PKKM SAYS ABOI T THIS C VTAI.or.l K: 2J'frh-r'", "U ' " raonument of business InformaUoo. -J.inueap..lts (.Minn.) S-iTirX'mrjmjLi -TheCatal..cnel.-awon!er."-M.snchesier H.p liiHin 3ln. J-A?T&7Tn7 "Peara Rthiirk Co. is one of the largest house of it kind In NA:v -t . - 'CHICAOOHLILSA. cfcjgo Chl.-aifo Inter Orean. "aaw""" uTne bitrrataloinie formoue of the finest shopping mediums that eoald tws.o - ie san Into a di.'trict." Poyce'a Monthly, I hicasro. Thel catt n-.-ue is a vast department store hoilel itown.' Atlanta Cnnstitntion. . "The catalosrue is eertainly a merchandise enovclopyclla.' - Chicapo Kpworta Meral.l. o,tK, 'A f shf.lr. oepasbjdcimpelllnBtheijseof t:iisat:.ioneinallPul. J"'"1 TTJ.eH"n--"'"i We coo quote -jlousands of similar extracts, f -mi 1 S rrnl. at -ri';, o M O A aii. AddjM, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICACO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. . ' ': X&. $&&PAir stock of goodl 1 from 10.C00 to t I Vtifomfi valued a! fj 25.U0 letters rfSCs(SS5 j C?t u01KV?W 51.500.000.lv W every day W rf WV VI 0mi We own ana occupy the tallest mercantile building In the world. We have 1 lFl over 2,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly i5sa & engaged filling out-of-town orders. 11? lWl UR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people it" quotes y-jrji Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations, and I Ti A! 60,000 descriptions of articles wjth prices. It cost3 73 cents to print and mail j fjsU each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show k Wl y0Uf 8d faith' anii we11 sen:1 yu copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. -4, r : ' ! |