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Show SOW AND REAP. We are not done with life as we live. We shall meet our acts and words and influence asrain. A man will reap what he sows, and he, himself will be the reaper. We go on sowing care-leiH&ly, care-leiH&ly, never- dreaming that we shall Eee our seeds aerain. Then some day we come to an ugly plant growinsr somewhere, and when we ask: What is this? the answer comes: I am one of your plants You dropped the saed which grew in me. We shall have to give an account of the seed that grows from our sowing. It we have faith, we love God; and if we love Him, we keeip the precepts of God. If we do not keep his commandments, com-mandments, we do not love Him; ':nd if we love Him not. we believe not in Him Cardinal Cibbons. Our thoughts mav be like the birds and the butterflies, and people all the air about us with beauty and -3ong; or, like, toads and serpents. loathsome, ugly, venomous. Cardinal Manning. |