Show christmas av tree elf LIGHTS complete assortment of tree decorations broadway fountain and sundries green river utah sant ays it pays to HOP lop AT V HOME 0 E 4 check the following merchants for your holiday needs 00 HAL ANDERSON GREEN RIVER V ER MERC S 5 M SALES GROCERY PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY PEACOCKS MARKET ROSS LUMBER CO NIFTY FREEZE ARBON CAFE 0 ac MIDLAND GARAGE RAYS TAVERN AOL A akl 0 S WHERE MORE PEOPLE 00 0 MORE BUYING AND AN SELLING MT MINI DRILL the fines finest in prospecting A PORTABLE DIAMOND CORE DRILLING G RIG features drills 1 hole for vi 11 core in 5 barrel or 10 barrel weighs ibs lbs w with ith drill stem easy to carry men mule pack beep or plane dependable constant teed feed drill head for continuous drilling rate of advance is edrill oell head hinged for quick retract on simple to set up and operate positive drive feed and auto malic matic drilling retraction feed screw from one clutch water jacketed ack eted core tube pre pro vents contamination MINI DRILL is I 1 eld tested the b g gest ittle rig in the world it 1 makes prospecting anywhere everywhere possible pass ble regardless of rugged terra n it will drill in sol d rock to borov de core samples amensons omens ons overall length 36 in overall he to crown block 12 ft overall w ath 24 in op aerates on gasoline eng ne light weight incorporates structural alum clum num alloy S am SALES CO COID GREEN RIVER UTAH ATTENTION UTAH URANIUM MINE OPERATORS 4 low k wd UTAH JUNO RADON SURVEY UNIT MODEL designed expressly to meet requirements of the utah industrial commission safety ruling effective jan I 1 A MUST for determining adequate ventilation to minimize RADON HAZARD in all types type of mines complete ready to use package consists of air sampling gun filter holder fillers and JUNO type measuring instrument price 00 carrying case 20 00 extra atomic engineering corporation box 1701 grand junction colorado e an get new car performance with our regular service don t wait for a breakdown let us keep your car in ja top condition at all times drive in NOW MIDLAND GARAGE i t FOR RENT CLEAN modern rooms by week or month very reasonable rates kitchenettes for cooking if desired phone uranium motel FOR SALE one piper PA 14 airplane four place super cub contact jim hurst green river FOR SALE electric stove and cold spot 9 foot refrigerator both in excellent condition call 2163 tan WANTED A good second hand sad die dle contact mr edwin wilcox ph 2161 2 tp booms for rent at 10 00 per week call ate VOR POR RENT 2 bedroom trailer hou se call etc WANTED WAITRESS at the arbon tan KR b OR RENT cabin also trailer spaces service and wash rooms 30 00 shady rest motor court ftp as yf ss F FOR 0 S SALE ALE ao 90 1905 4 40 foot 00 I 2 bedroom house trailer comple completely fur LR 6 months old had e excellent x care very low ow price terms call li aci 0 largest f IL distributor in town pats puts bar REMINGTON ROYAL SMITH CORONA OLYMPIA START THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR RIGHT the best place to buy your portable typewriter is from your local office equipment dealer I 1 only service in eastern utah 2 1 year service guarantee 3 rent ent a new machine 6 00 per month three months rental may be applied to purchase 4 10 00 type table only 10 with the purchase of a new portable typewriter 6 high trade in allowance on your old typewriter 5 liberal terms demonstration in your home at no obligation phone w I 1 office offic e equipment co complete office supplies west main price utah 1 7 4 a ZY awa hw M s s sa sw isslam ft 11 1 1 bountiful selections for HOLIDAY FEASTING GROCERY modern self service V phone 2721 |