Show 93 per cent of all congressional districts have interstate routes this is the first of a series of spec lal eal bulletins designed to present facts and clarifying information of current and immediate importance with re to proposals for an expanded federal state cooperative program to meet the highway emergency four hundred and six or 93 per cent of the nation s U S con gressional districts are traversed or touched by routes of the national system of interstate highways ac cording to a study made by the rea search department of the national highway users conference the results of this study defir definitely refute the rumor that the inter lonal tonal state system bypasses congressional districts the study shows show s tha only 29 con gressional districts are without an interstate route within their thew boun danes daries five districts of the 29 not touched by the interstate system he lie in densely populated metro poh tan centers which are extensively served by interstate highway routes in most of these instances the inter state route would appear to miss the district by a very short distance in some cases a matter of only a few blocks in view of the substantial service and relief of congestion that the mod interstate system will afford these districts in effect he within the service coverage of the interstate system altogether a total of some 6 urban and rual districts of the 29 are missed by a hair hairs s breadth while the greatest possible care was exercised it must be borne in mind that the present routing of the interstate system for the most part does not represent absolutely fixed d locations and there may be minor present and future variation in the coverage of the interstate system obviously the results of the survey do strongly point up the broad nat benefits to be derived from early modernization of the interstate highway system |