Show Z t S soi 0 i I 1 r conservation on news by kenneth williams many farmers are attempting to beat the current farm price squeeze by adjusting their feeding formulas tor their cattle they are going more into forage crops for silage because of the lower overhead per ton of feed produced recent studies reported in the december issue of better farming methods magazine indicate we should be careful about swinging into a strictly silage ration for cattle the study conducted at the univ erdity of andona indicated that the maximum amount of silage that can safely be fed to dairy cattle is seven pounds daily plus half a pound of alfalfa hay for every pounds of body weight silage as the sole roughage proved to be impractical alfalfa hay was necessary to balance the ration better farming methods also re ports that the new alfalfa variety called vernal has shown consider able promise in recent tests vernal is a winter hardy wilt resistant strain that is expected to be as good as any of the quality alfalfas on the market today I 1 have been led to believe that the initial breeding for this variety was started here in utah monthly supervisors meeting was held last week and committees were appointed to begin work for xe revising the districts program and work plan A biology committee was named consisting of boyd hunt alfred king and jess powell with me a as advisor we are to have a report for the Febu supervisors meeting an art irrigation committee consisting of don hatch joe alien allen and delbert tidwell advised by scott of the was appoint ed to report to the supervisors at their march meeting kenneth silliman has submitted his resignation as a supervisor of the green river soil conservation district ken has been a supervisor ever since your district was organ iced in 1941 he has contributed un counted hours of his time in helping to bring an organized conservation program to green river I 1 join with the district supervisors and others who have bene fitted from ken s ser vice in saying thanks sincerely he will be sorely missed at the future board meetings |