Show folks around town by mrs E B simonson the december meeting of the women s club was held at the presby terian community church on last friday the following christmas program was given violin solo and holy night by ruth baker piano solos chimes and star of the east by mane marie wilson solo by juhe dean rudolph the red nosed reindeer vocal solo by barry hunt and a duet by louise dean and jahnie simonds gifts for crippled children s hospit als in salt lake were relieved reci eved and a demonstration of christmas pack age wrapping and tree decorating was given by mrs vail hatt corn com were appointed for comman ity activities mrs irwin alien allen is president kenneth silliman resigned as sec see detary of the soil conservation dis triet and donald hatch was elected membership on the board the board now is composed of delbert tidwell chairman francis wilson boyd hunt chad moore donald hatch and jo alien allen kenneth silliman has been secretary since the district was organized in 1941 and has re cleved high commendation from the board members for his work ken neth williams district supervisor from huntington was present at the meeting on thursday night sev eral films on conservation were seen hollinger Holh nger and mcfarland of too ele utah have relieved reci eved the contract to haul ore for vitro chemical co of salt lake city from the hidden splendor and other mines in the dis brict A repair shop for the trucks is being constructed beside the rail road tracks west of town A new kind of truck will be used which has aluminum frames and it is hoped that this will prolong the life of the trucks while hauling such heavy loads they will also be lighter al lowing for faster travel it was re ported that twelve families will be located in green river in connection with the operation of the trucks mrs dorian has been confined to her home for the past week having suffered a heart attack funeral services were held last wednesday for james fisher a long ong time resident of green river he was born in iowa 85 years ago mr fisher worked for the railroad until his retirement a few years ago mr and mrs lee gledhill and mr and mrs L LK K jewkes were continued on page 3 continued from page 2 around town weekend week end visitors in Cast ledale and ferron the lloyd bakers attended the elks ball in price on saturday night mr and mrs R E norton are the parents of a baby girl debra jean born nov they moved to cam eron arizona on saturday of last week mrs norton is the former norma jean halloway the legion auxiliary held their christmas party on monday night there was an exchange of gifts and the following grogram was given retold christmas story anita ga hagen dance by billie mae and sharlene bigelow vocal duet karma moore and louise dennison dance by jennie lee dennison katherine Ka therme and cheryl moore larae sherrill and jan silliman mrs tina ferns ferris of idaho falls idaho is visiting at the home of her son warren H dean sue folsom is home from the business college until after the hoi hol ila mae tidwell made a concert tour with a group from B Y U th rough the northern part of the state they gave nine concerts in all ila mae boneta thompson and bar bara marsing will be home this week end until january 3rd they are all attending B Y U mrs airs H C tasker was on the sick list last week she is much improved at this writing richard gledhill brother of pr in cipal lee gledhill came over with the basketball team from gunnison Gu imison last week and visited briefly mr and mrs airs dave perm perrin vema verna li holloway olloway have moved then their trailer hou house e to temple mountain where air mr perrin is employed the sinclair thompson and kenn eth silliman families were in salt lake city last week end taking in the christmas sights the basketball team is on tour this week they will play silverton durango and mancos all in colo rado this is coach mcintosh s old stamping ground the P T A meeting thursday night was devoted to the subject of read mg ing in the schools the matter was discussed the pep club gives their yearly performance on friday night there will be a varity show a one act play and several drills the program is under the supervision of mrs airs grace shaner the ine local team relieved reci eved a troung ing saturday night at the hands of the gunnison team the score was 64 32 christmas programs will be given in each of the rooms next week sch ool will be dismissed on the for the holidays there will be a basketball game w with ith altamont on friday dec dee jacquie daye celebrated her birth day on sunday with a party she re cleved a hammond organ for her birthday A delegation of green river cit eizens con composed posed of H C mayor devere curtis stewart wik son walter daye gene eavis davis james hurst royce hulsey gretch en mcclintock and ray walters of of price called on senator bennett in salt lake city on A wednesday ednes day in the inheres t of green river the phloyd hatt s have a new baby gu gir lyro jarn the day after thanks giving gig mr and mrs del cook have closed their coffee shop until april 1st they will spend the winter in texas with mrs cook cooks s parents mr ware of the fish and game commission gave a series of an a imal life films in m the different rooms in school monday the volunteer fire department were giving the fire engine a through going over on saturday to have it in perfect shape if needed last monday night gay gave ga adice the seagulls a party in at attendance were judy ahmow sherry bigelow julia ann davis dianne curtis katherine cothroll Cot troll and tamra smith |