Show benson farm pian plan Is vague A PROPER evaluation of sec see relay of agriculture benson s six point farm program is hardly poss ible until the secretary elaborates on how his aims can be achieved his announcement of the farm plan was done with great flourish and one could almost hear the rolls of the political drums in the back ground but a study of mr benson s six points in their generalized form arouses little but disappointment they give the impression of having been hatched in an atmosphere of political urgency secretary benson admits quite frankly the farm program will be no nostrum no one shot remedy no cure all and then he seems to give his pol motives away when he charges the democrats with stirring up a witch s brew tor for solving the nation s farm problem if mr air benson wants to advertise the power of his brew he had best follow up quickly with a breakdown of its formula it cannot be swallow ed easily in its present form |