Show LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION CITY OF GREEN RIV ER EMERY COUNTY STATE OF UTAH IS HEREBY GIVEN that on thursday the day of december a special election will be held within the limits of the city of green river emery conn coun ty state of utah for he purpose of submitting to such qualified electors of said city as shall have paid a property tax therein the year next preceding said election the follow ing propositions cowit to wit 1 shah shall negotiable coupon bonds of the city of green river emery county state of utah in the sum of thirty thousand dollars 30 00 bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed four and one half per cent aa 4 A per annum and due and payable in not to exceed twenty 20 years from date of said bonds be issued and sold for th the e purpose of defraying the expenses of im proving enlarging and extending the waterworks plant and system in the city of green river to more adequately provide said city and he inhabitants thereof with sufficient water which waterworks plant and system shall be owned and controlled by said city 2 shall negotiable coupon bonds of the city of green river emery county state of utah in the sum of ten thousand dollars 10 00 bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed four and one half per cent 42 per annum and due and payable in not to exceed twenty 20 years from date of said bonds be issued and sold for the purpose of defraying the expenses of in creasing improving enlarging and extending the present sewer system wd ird works of the city of green riv including outfalls and disposal cili ties for the purpose of more morie adequate supplying said city and the inhabitants thereof with sewers which said sewer system and works shall be owned and controlled by said aid city it t said election the form of ballot ball be as follows BOND ELECTION BALLOT FOR THE ISSUE OF 30 WAT BONDS YES NO if the voter desires to vote N ote in fa f a vor of the issue of waterworks bonds he shall place an X in the space after the word yes if the voter desires to vote against the issue of waterworks bonds he shall place an X in the space after the word no FOR THE ISSUE OF 10 SEWER SYSTEM BONDS YES NO if the voter desires to vote in fa vor of the issue of sewer system bonds he shall place an X in the space after the word yes if the voter desires to vote against the isue of sewer system bonds he shall place an X in the space after the word no on the reverse side of the said 1 i ot shall be the following OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR CITY OF GREEN RIVER UTAH SPECIAL BOND ELECTION 1955 city of green river emery county state of utah facsimile signature si gna ture city recorder at said election the polls shall be opened at the hour of 7 00 0 clock A M and the closed at the hour of 8 00 0 clock P M the said election shall be held in m the one voting district within said city and the polling place within said voting district and the judges of election of such polling place shall be as follows VOTING DISTRICT no 14 POLLING PLACE city hall city of green river utah JUDGES OF ELECTION mary tidwell una filhes elsie alien allen DATED at the city of green river emery county state of utah this bath day of november 1955 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN RIVER EMERY COUNTY STATE OF UTAH devere curtis mayor city of green riv er emery county state of utah attest weltha B thompson city recorder city of green river emery county state of utah SEAL |