Show LAI national political review by BONNIE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political fica science university of utah will the president run again op inions gathered from various mem bers of the republican party seem to be evenly divided some of the party officials think the president will definitely run because of his program plus the fact that his de will probably over overrule rule all on the other hand there are mem bers who strongly believe that mr eisenhower Elsen hower should not attempt to run again for a number of reasons his health the physiological effect it has had on the american public in the event that ike decides not to iun un GOP officials prefer vice pres ident nixon as the nove november br can didace adali stevenson stevens on has been making mak ing a series of whistle stop speeches through out the southern part of the nation he feels that a series of cam laign speeches such as these will help as they did when he ran for governor of illinois in 1948 1943 him in the 1956 elections according to recent reports mr stevenson s nomination is almost inevitable estes kefauver and av erell harriman seem to be lagging 9 far behind too far it has been indicated to catch up it has been reported that a poss tile settlement ett lement may occur between biagel and egypt the united states and britain have warned israel that it would be a i very foolish thing to reject peace negotiations now russia s plans for far east domin ance seem to materialize day by day due to a brilliant amount of diplomacy and strategic planning they undermined the united states and great britain in china and now much the same situation seems pre valent in india if the soviet meu ence present in india grows the in evitable outcome would be dasas trous arous china was in dire need of a new and efficient government but her cries went unheard in the west ern world and now russia has pro vided for a better life all around but any change would have been I 1 welcomed by the poverty stricken chinese this same condition in india requires a good deal of consideration and wise planning india so corn com plemely re deved when england par lia la rule ended will probably be e unaware of the threatening wave of communist aggression from the communist viewpoint india in the words of a political scientist at princeton will achieve her full in dependence from britain on the day a russian russia commissar takes over in new delhi and substitutes the hammer and sickle for the flag of the republic of india the united states Is for the first time completely following its own lines of gelius we have reached a period of ultimate achievement in which we have expanded and ex pounded in the fields of literature art science and government we no longer borrow from cultures of old empires and civilizations but have developed a new one wholly amer ican can contrary to the opinion of man who claim the fine arts began to disintegrate with the discovery of america everything is big in the united states it is simply indicative of our way of life As we have grown in every field so has the government grown but t has outgrown us in fact what used a be a check and balance govern lent rient has developed into so many sections and departments that it re ambles to a certain extent the eng lish parliament an impossibility someone said a number of years igo mr hoover has said the gov is big too big our government was formed with three main branches but if precautions are pot not taken one branch could easily the power of another and in the process destroy the basic dis unction between a democracy and a bureaucracy bure |