Show RUSSIANS TRIUMPH IN INDIA THE TRIUMPH IAL TOUR of india by Bul Bulga ganin iun and khrushchev is over and these two communist dignitaries have now moved on into burma where they are exuding more of the kremlin brand of charm reports from the orient say that the charm is potent non communist observers attempting to sum up the effects of the russian tour say that while the friendly crowds and show ers of rose petals that greeted the russians everywhere were not spon ganeous they were genuine america can take temporary corn com fort in the iron willed determination of prune prime minister nehru that india shall walk the middle path of neu As long as nehru stays in power which cannot however be forever india will not likely ally her people with either russia or america nehru is a shrewd man not easily deci eved with wisdom that cut tn rough subterfuge he once remarked that some people talk about peace so loudly it sounds like war nehru knows the russians yet the western world cannot de pend forever on the level head ot one man human beings after all come and go it is the common people of india and of the world that must be won to democracy through intelligent propaganda and through acts of con and concern which show a friendly disposition on the part of the worlds world s democracies |