Show the key hole I 1 by the desert rat another week gone and it wont won t ge long now until santa claus will be around filling up sox and what a break for a poor uranium pros who just broke the foot off of his last sox it is terrible what all happens to take the joy out of life besides not finding any uranium it also won t be long until a lot of the fellows will be looking for the guy that sold them on the easy pay ments plan brother there is no such thing kind of like the old saying two can live as cheap as one it can t be done 90 now that the football regular sea son is oer over and all the bowl games have been settled except counting the score on january 2 wh which 1 C h is going to give a lot of the boys a headache that is they can blame it on picking the wrong team but most of them will be due to giving the new year to much of a boost to get started if a fellow wanted to go see one of the bowl games it would be hard to pick out the one to attend if he picked the orange bowl he would probably get squeezed the sugar bowl would be too sweet with all thase slow talking southern gals the tile sun bowl would be hot the rose bowl would smell alright but a fellow may get stuck the cot ton bowl to dry the gator bowl is to dangerous as one of the gators may get loose somebody put onions in the salad bowl so folks I 1 have de aided to just wait and read about all of thern them in the paper you know safety first water troubles on the desert is a never ending struggle but I 1 never thought it would come to having to have two elections in order to make a bath legal A short time ago they had a day called SD S D day and it worried me what kind of a day that was going to be I 1 finally found out that it was for safe driving day and only 68 63 people were killed so many were injured nobody would give out the otal fearing that some narrow mind ed folks would think the day was not a big success as so many of the car drivers aiming is poor and there is lots of misses speaking of driving those calif ornia drivers hold all records when they have a wreck out there they don dont t count them unless there is more than five cars involved one time I 1 started out of frisco head ed for southern cal and cars to the rear and in front of me for as far as I 1 could see were deiv ing bumper to bumper and there were three th ree lines of cars and I 1 was in the center line I couldn coulden t tell wh ether the fellow in front of me was hooked on to my bumper and was pulling me or the guy behind was pushing so I 1 turned off my switch to try and find out and you know I 1 got to palo alto before I 1 had to turn it on the guy behind turned off there the fellow that wrote the new song hit shifting whispering sands used his head to get a fortune out of the desert without riding a mule or walking his legs off think may be I 1 will start studying music instead of hunting uranium think I 1 had better get bac back k to camp with my new esquire calender and decorate the cabin for xmas adios I 1 P S old timer said it isn t the income tax that bothered him but the outgoing tax on everything |