Show commentary political by george hatch the economy of the united states revolves around credit there are very few organizations that do not borrow money to maintain opera eions even large corporations which have been solvent for fifty years still borrow money for expansion and for maintaining production 11 in fact restrictions on credit are one means of controlling the economy of the nation in a growing community such as green river the availability of suit able financing has a great bearing in maintaining a progressive econ omy A large stumbling block in the past expansion of the green river area has been lack of credit to fi it nance suitable housing for the people engaged in mining and development in the uranium industry A great prop oration of housing today is fi fl danced through government loan agencies notably F H A and the veterans administration it has been virtually impossible to secure in the past credit of this type in green river this situation is apparently due to negative thinking in high circles concerning the stability of green river economy according to this thinking there is not enough income here to support a housing program it is vitally important to the town that its citizens do everything in their power to encourage the influx of new income negative thinking is a luxury that we cannot afford it is human nature to complain about the town one lives in the peo pie one lives with the goods and services available etc however we must be fairly satisfied with con editions here or we would move else where if outside people are inter ested in obtaining information as to the assets of a community they will not go to the chamber of corn com merce or city officials but will ask casual questions around town if the people they talk to are pes tic a distorted picture of the town will probably result if these inter ests talk to someone who lets per bonal feelings and selfish interests prevail they would probably be dis cou raged this does not mean that one should paint a rosy picture in face of obvious facts but rather state the facts as they exist this situation is not something that could happen theoretically this very situation has arisen in the past and has had a detrimental effect on some phases of growth whether the inferences gained by conferences between influential outside interests and townspeople merely reflected a disgruntled attitude on the part of the local people involved or ther it was manipulation for selfish interests by local citizens it has had an unfortunate effect progress note construction of im proved loading facilities for railroad ore cars |