Show highlights in sports regents gives full okay to teth tech pit pitt bowl game georgia tech s sugar bol game with pittsburgh was approved by the state board of regents monday as a slight affront to gov marvin griffin in a compromise action on the en tire athletic policy raised by the governor the regents also in effect are permitting teams of the sity system to continue scheduling out of state games in which negro players appear interracial ban voted for inside state only at the same time the regents res alution says that all contests held within the state of georgia must be under segregation laws and tra editions this is the present policy the resolution was passed 14 to 1 the lone dissenting vote was by da vid rice who suggested an alter nate south wide ban says georgia governor apparently backing off from his flat no segregation legre gation no athletics stand for state colleges gov mar afar vin griffen monday said he referred only to games and contests played in georgia ard tle south and he said hia bib telegram to the board of regents asking them to install a flat segregated athletics policy in the university system referred soley to the sugar bowl game he commented that the telegram was aimed soley at the sugar bowl game and on that controversy which stems from georgia tech s accey tance to play the university of pitts burgh he said the sugar bowl game is squarely up to the regents the governor said he is not going to attend the game pittsburgh has one negro player on its squad GEORGIA CAN PLAY MICHIGAN IN 1957 ON NORTHERN CUSTOMS at his press conference gov grit grif fin said if a georgia college agrees to play a team in another section of the country it must abide by laws and traditions of that state he made this point when asked aked specifically about a game the sity of georgia has scheduled with michigan at ann arbor in 1957 that contest will be non segregated gov griffin said there is nothing he could do or would do about it then he ob observed sered I 1 will no not t give one word of comfort to white hite folks and negroes Ise groes playing n the wms a field but I 1 make no protest I 1 the go governor erada said t re e I 1 ad to geci georgia gia and ana the south in an his tele telegram gram to regents chairman rob ert 0 arnold it asked mr arnold to call a meeting 0 and act on the gove governor mor s request that athletic teams of the university tern tem of georgia be prohibited from playing opponents who do not imam tarn tain segregation gov griffin said that when geo gia or tech plays up north I 1 can t regulate the customs of that state the governor showed newsmen several large stacks of telegrams which he has relieved reci eved on the contro contra versy he said his telephone at the mansion has been ringing constantly for several days the most inspirational player co captain lou mele was the win ner of the most inspirational play er trophy a fine tribute to a fine leader university of utah football coach jack curtice honored seven of his ins players with the presentation of tro chies for outstanding performances during the past football season co ach curtice called on his gridiron grading system to establish the winners of six of the seven trophies la vere merritt and chester frank lm lin were the outstanding defensive linemen larry amizich the out landing tan dinc offensive lineman dave dae dungan the outstanding offensive back and merrill men ill douglas the out standing defensive back while dan greenhalgh Green haigh was the winner of the most improved player university 1955 56 ski schedule app oved the university of utah s 1955 56 ski schedule was approved by the athletic council at a recent meeting the utes relieved reci eved some valuable instruction and framing training the past weekend week end at the alpine training school under the direction of the intermountain ski association dick jack reddish and darrell robinson famous olympic skiers condic convicted ted the training the ute skiers are working hard in preparation for their first big meet the rocky mountain inter collegiate ski association gathering being held at aspen colo with the university of colorado hosting dec and utah U prepares for wichita U while the rest of the school waa having a thanksgiving holiday coach gardner 4 university el d utah eagers wera were holding two a day tices cices gettig ready for this satur day days s season opener against ita U at wichita gardner is more than a little worried about this first contest rea klizing that the Wheat shockers have a veteran dab club with four seniors and a in their starting a good fast club that keeps moving line up gardner says wichita is all the lime time they have a good de bense that they are noted for and were we re going to have to play good ball to win this one besides this they will be dedicating their new 11 capacity field house and will want to win this one the utes are also a veteran club with four starters from last season back in the fold Gard gardner ners s ably starting lineup will include art bunte this year s redskin can didace for all american gary ber gen all conference last season morns morris buckwalter another all con ference performer curtis jenson a regular last year and the spark plug of the club and jerry mccleary a semi regular on the 1955 club other men who have looked good in early practices are sophomores sopo mores nores gary hale darrell and bill koncar letterman john crowe ted berner and ed Gayth and a aa junior college transfer jim frary hale and are fine set shot men koncar is good on the boards crowe berner and gaythwaite have played enough college ball to be able replacements and frary will be the f fill ill in for bunte gardner is still worried about the ute s lack of height bergen at 68 6 8 is the only starter who is really tall bunte at 6 is probably one of the shortest postmen in collegiate bas netball buckwalter is 63 6 3 mccleary 6 1 and jenson is only 5 10 this is not a ball club with many inches to spare however the problem won t be as tough against wichita as some of the skyscraper clubs utah meets later wichita is also a rel alively short team this points to a real fast game with both clubs heavy in the speed department the university of utah will face an arizona basketball squad this friday and saturday that boasts a new look when the two teams meet at 8 00 p m in the emar einar enke will throw on offense against the utes that has a definite pro flavor and is brand new for the wild cats cals the new enke innovation will be called a post which puts one man almost directly under the bas has ket on either side of the free throw line and one man in front of the free throw line in the foul circle the team maneuvers in the court enke says that this offense increases the necessity and imbor t tance an cc of team play but also puts the emphasis on individual ability at the same time tune if the wildcat wildcats s first two contests are any indication of how the new arizona offense is working then the utah club may have their hands full this week end arizona knocked off san diego 80 to 74 last friday and then swamped arizona state of flagstaff 96 67 on saturday these two scores could be indicative of a fine offense coach gardner was happy with the utes performance against ita and the 73 51 victory over the Wheat shockers on their home floor was easier than the redskin mentor had figured on gardner said mon day we looked pretty good for the opening contest of the season and I 1 was well pleased with the kids the starters in particular did well we have a tough series coming up this weekend with arizona and they should not be underestimated coach enke has said that this year s squad will initiate Ari arizona zonas s return to nat lonal ional basketball prominence and we had better play good ball gardner was concerned monday with what kind of shape jerry me cleary would be in for friday and saturday the ute forward injured his ankle in the wichita game and there is some doubt as to how fast the speedy redskin will come a round the loss of mccleary would be a blow to the utes curtis jenson played one of his finest games against the wheat shockers and coach gardner had a lot of praise for the speedy little gardner said curt is simply great he completely bottled up joe stevens who is reputed to be one of the best prospects wichita has ever had and he was also ex strong on offense jen son was top scorer for the utes with 14 points if mccleary is ready to go then the utes will probably pro bobly start the same five against arizona as did again st wichita art bunte gary bergen curtis jenson morris buckwalter and mccleary five members of last year years s ar izona team jim brower larry brown jackson eddy ted lazovich and george rountree Koun tree graduated this season however three prospects from the frosh club bob mueller ed and warren ridge are on the varsity and they are going to help |