Show the green river journal published every thursday at green river utah by the GREEN RIVER publishing CO inc mastered at the post office at green river utah as second class matter under the act of congress of march 3 1879 rates 3 00 per year out of state 4 00 per year GENE M DAVIS editor and published Pu blishel ei MISS RAMONA L DAVIS business manager MRS E B SIMONSON society news MRS BARBARA EKKER hanksville Hanks ville correspondent MRS BETH NIELSEN white canyon correspondent whal what Is A newspaper the newspaper is an institution developed by modern modem civilization to present the news of the day to foster commerce and industry to inform and lead public opinion and to furnish that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide OUR POLICY A dp deep faith in the rightness of the american way of life and a sense et of civic duty impels us to keep before the public eye the policy to which the green river journal is dedicated I 1 to promote the public welfare ato 2 to fight for progress and reform ato s to oppose injustice and corruption 4 to belong to no party and to be ruggedly independent 11 to fight for what is right and attack what is wrong ito eyer seek the truth and to be unafraid to print it IL |