Show to the editor some folks are gogg to be 0 nutty o h y surprised fenain that A mule c a a a talk other folks figure that a jack ass will say most anything and there are the folks that come lookin for some of em findan my nice little cave where I 1 im m holed up for the winter seems these folks want to know who is the desert rata seems my partner has got to off and some folks got their dander up can t seem to understand that a feller who am t found no uran mm has got to gripe I 1 ve been giving a haw to their guesses bout his name but I 1 m get tin tm fed up with all this pe and I 1 m too old and comfortable to kick up my heels so I 1 II U just have to tell you true I 1 don t know the rat s name could tell you some I 1 think up when we re out together but my partner isn t tellin any of them names he gives me especially when I 1 slip in the sand so if he am t telling I 1 1 am t neither or maybe its just this editor feller won wont t print the most choice parts I 1 ve heard he does some re arranging rearranging when he unscrambles the rat s brittin I 1 hope he can make this out for I 1 im in just going to leave it where some nosey name snooper will find it and take it in to town heard there was a mouse around that office anyway not that I 1 im M scared of a mouse its just that I 1 want to be alone like I 1 said hope this clears everything up for you adiole from sure foot my prin print t able name |