Show auxiliary Aux tary ilary sponsors lighting contest the women s auxiliary of the american legion is again sponsor mg a christmas lighting contest for the residents of green river it was reported by mrs peterson president of the auxiliary this will nill be the third year that the auxiliary has sponsored the event she said the contest will be judged on the basis of originality simplicity and the spirit and meaning of christ mas there was no definite time set as to when the judges would make their decision however the winners will be announced shortly after ch day there will be three prizes mrs peterson said 1000 for 1st prize and 5 00 for 2nd prize and 3 00 for 3rd prize r anyone desiring further anfor mation on the contest should contact mrs roger fluckey chairman of the project for the auxiliary the winners of the contest last year were mrs peterson 1st prize mrs ray sherrill 2nd prize and 0 K anderson 3rd prize the theme of the contest mrs peterson pointed out is to get more people to enter into the spirit of christmas if it every resident in town took part in the contest what a pleasure it would be to drive around the streets at night and look at the different lighted displays one could n t help but feel the joyous spirit ot of christmas in their hearts |