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Show LOCAL HAPPENINGS Miss Madge Hales returned Monday from a visit to Lehi. D. L. Reese and wife of Pro-montory, Pro-montory, were Garland visitors Inst Sunday. Albert Hales of Riverside is planning the erection of a mod-em mod-em bungalow soon. Herbert Austin of LchI, cou-sin cou-sin of Clarence and Ed. N. Aus-tin, Aus-tin, is here on a visit. Miss Violet Hauck of Mont-pclier, Mont-pclier, Idaho, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wixom. Mrs. Ursel S. Rose of Fielding, was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Wixom Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sinister of Ogden were last Saturday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Daniels. The Box Elder Journal bloss-omcd bloss-omcd out Monday with a hand-somo hand-somo new head that certainly looks good. Mrs. Andy Jensen of Brigham City, spent a few days of last week with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Osro Barnard. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Talbot and children went to Malad City, Idaho, Thursday, to Bpond a few days with relatives and friends. Hyrum Fowler, who is empl-oyed empl-oyed at the Twin Falls, Idaho, power plant, spent a few days of last week with his family in this city. Joseph Wing and daughters, Marion and Martha Wing, rc-turned rc-turned Tuesday from a ten days' visit with relatives and friends in Lehi. . A fine 10-pound son arrived at iho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John , Newel Tuesday morning of this week. Mr. Newel Is a mechanic at the Garland Sugar factory. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gleed of Malad City, were Monday and Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Peterson. They returned homo Wednesday. Miss Vina Niclson of Hunts-, Hunts-, villc, sister of Mrs. Hoftico Well- , ing, was hero on a visit last ' week. Miss Nielson is attending summer school at the U. A. C. Logan. Dr. F. F. Pyott, Chiropractor, of Salt Lake City, accompanied by his wife, are guests at the horns of Dr. and Mrs. C. It Berg. Mrs. Pyott is a sister of our local Chiropractor. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Matz, D. Abramson, Miss Ritha Ahram-son Ahram-son and Masters Sidney, Harold and Dale Abramson motored to Mantun last Sunday where a pleasant afternoon was spent. Doctors J. E. Day and Allen operated upon Lorenzo Smith of i this city at the L. D. S. Hos- Pitnl in Salt Lake City last week , tor hernea. Mr. Smith is on Ihe road to a speedy recovery. Miss Hettie White, U. S. De-monstrator De-monstrator of Millard county was hero a few days of last week as he guest of her sister, Mrs. B. L. Farnsworth. She re-turned re-turned to Filmore last Satur- Wm. M. Howell and children of Logan, passed through this city Wednesday enrouto to his ranch at Blue Creek, where he has a good stand of grain, not-withstanding not-withstanding this exceptionally dry season. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hymer and Jm children and Mr. and Mrs. Saai- uel Capener and children of East S Garland returned laBt Sun- day from a pleasant outing in Logan canyon and the Bear Lako country. Mrs S. TafmeFbr itupert, ia- alio, spent a few days of last week wjth her grand son, R. V. Daniels. Seven years havo el-apsed el-apsed since they have had a meeting. Sho returned again to her homo Saturday. r- ""K ' 1 Miss Virginia Marriott, is visiting vis-iting relatives in Evanston, Wyo. Alex Hales now Ford truck arrived this week and has been spinning about the city Binco its arrival. It looks good and Mr. Hales will begin at onco to operate the dray and transfer business with the truck. W. F. Pcrsson and G. C. Hy-i:ner Hy-i:ner have moved their wives to Logan canyon where the ladies are enjoying a "camping out." Messrs Perssbn and Hymer attend att-end to business during the day and spend the evening in tho canyon. Brigham Marriott has Just completed a fino now homo in Riverside for George Hales. Painter H. Coddlngton has added add-ed the finishing touches by giving giv-ing the homo a few coats of paint and now George has one of tho finest dwellings in that vicinity. Tho W. T. Hudson residence in this city .was sold at sheilifu sale Wednesday, John J. ahum-way ahum-way being tho purchaser who was tho highest bidded. Tho home is located on the corner oi West Factory street and Evans avenue and la a valuable piece of property. . Tho Crmpton Sodlcrs Boys, Wildou anu Dowayne, returned last week from overseas duty where they huvo been in the solvere of Uuclo Sam. They en-Joyed en-Joyed the many experiences of soldier life, saw lots of country, but "home, sweet homo" looks bust to them. Mrs. George Austain, who has been spending a few days with her sons, Clarence and Ed N. Austain and families, returned re-turned to Salt Lako City tho first of tho week. She whb accompanied acc-ompanied by Miss Marjorio Austin -wtho will visit with her grandmother for a few days. John L. Baxter & Sons Clearance Clear-ance Sale will open Mohday Monday morning, August 4th, at i) o'clock, at Fielding. Must mako room for the Collinston etock. You will euro get bargains barg-ains at this sale. Leave your work and get double wages. I lt-adv. Mrs. J. W. Cottom and Mrs. D. G. Nelson of Snowville, sisters sist-ers of Mrs. Chris Peterson, were guests at the Peterson home Friday of last week. On Saturday, Sat-urday, Mrs. Peterson, accompanied accompan-ied Mrs. Cottam, Mrs. Nelson, Orion and Flo Peterson and Hess Nelson motored to Ogden, returning re-turning to this city Monday evening. ev-ening. Tuesday morning, Mrs. Cottam nnd Mrs. Nelson returned re-turned to their homo in Snow- Mi .. I Geo A. Larson, who was tho principal of tho Garland school In 1912-13, was hero on a visit Wednesday. Ho is located at Ogden now and is the Manager of the White Sewng Machine Co. It was reported that he w,as dead, but the report seems to have been wrong as he is Just as live as he used to be when he was tho wide awake principal of our schools. Many of our younger people will remember re-member him. Leo Isaacsen, one of tho Soldier Sold-ier boys whom tho Globe was mailed to while in service, complimentary, com-plimentary, called in one day this week and thanked us for tho paper. To Bhow us that ho appreciated this favor, he plun-cked plun-cked down $2.00 and said "Send the Globe for a Year, I certainly like the paper." Quite a number of tho Soldier boys enjoyed the FREE paper in tho field, but Mr. Isaacsen is abuot the first to recognize re-cognize ub at home. John L. Baxter & Sons Clearance Clear-ance Sale will open Monday MondaymomIng,-August -ith, ait 9 o'clock, at Fielding. Must make room for tho Collinston stock. You will sure get bargains barg-ains at this sale. Leave your work and get double wages. |