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Show 8an Diego First' In 8oldler Work List New York. San Diego, Oil., stands at the head of u list of seventy-seven cities In tho percentage of returned soldiers placed In Jobs during tho flvo weeks ending Juno 28, uccordlng to figures made public hero by Colonel Arthur Woods, nsslstant to tho secretary secre-tary of war and head of the government govern-ment organization for tho ro-eniploy-mcnt of service men. Minneapolis follows fol-lows San Diego's record of 152 per cent with 120 per cent. Spokane, Wnsh., placed IH per cent. The uver-ago uver-ago for the entire country wns CO per cent. Los Angeles, Portland, Ore., Philadelphia and Chicago placed slightly more than 70 per cent of their fighting men, closely followed by Seattle Se-attle and llaltlmore. New York, witli lfS.Ofia Jobless applicants', found posl-tlons posl-tlons for about M per cent. Cheyenne, Chey-enne, Wyo.. of the "little cities," mudo tho best showing by placing 800 of 805 applicants in Jobs, llutte, Mont., und Iteno, Nov., exceeded the 75 per cent mark. i |