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Show ipEYtRS QUITS AS-MANGER Former1 New York QUnt Catcher Resigns Re-signs as Leader of New Haven Club In Eastern League. John "Chief" Meyers, former Net fork nnd Boston National catcher, lino resigned ns manager of tho New Hn-yen Hn-yen Qlub q the Enstcrn Ienguet which post ho has held since tho opening of tho present season. It was announced an-nounced Inst night thnt Danny Murphy, Mur-phy, formerly of tho Philadelphia Americans, nnd more recently mnnngcr of tho Now 'Ilavn and tho Hartford "Chief" Meyers. tenms, has been appointed manager of the local team. Business Interests prevented Meyers from devoting nil his time to tho team, It was stated'. |