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Show Sam Blco Is tho leading ewatsmlth of tho Washington club. Tho St. Louis Cardinals nro beginning begin-ning to win back tho fans. Somo baseball tenms seem to think thcro Is plenty of room In tho cellar. Pnt Moron surely has his Bcdland brigade going llko rcnl champions. Fred Thomas Is playing a bang-up fielding gamo for Connlo Mack at third base. " There Is no getting away from the fact that Dodo Paskcrt has lost eome of his speed. Duffy Lewis Is beginning to play the kind of ball that was to bo expected ex-pected of him. Jimmy Austin has moro pep than many n recruit, In splto of his long scrvlco In tho leagues. Vovr York Is making a rcnl threat for tho pennnnt now nnd there Is a renson for tho Ynnkees' success. Babo Buth Is nmong tho arlstocrati of the batting business, but as a left fielder ho's down among tho proletariat proletar-iat Memphis flnnlly disposed of Joo Slat-tcry Slat-tcry by selling him to Tulsa, where he hopes to find tho pitching moro to Ills liking. Percy nnughton, Into president ol dip Boston Braves, Is to return to Harvard university In the fall as football foot-ball coach. President Martin of the Southern league hns dismissed Umpire Schaefct and taken on tho veteran Ed Lauzon In his place. Tho Memphis club returned Jimmy Corney to tho Chicago White Sox with thanks nfter Jimmy had played a couple ot games. The Yankees are going In for the hit nnd-run pretty heavy, nnd ns a ro-sulf ro-sulf theynre scoring more of those they used to leave on the bnses. Cincinnati fnns mobbed Uraplro Cbnrley Mwnn tho other day. Since It hopuenM- after Cincinnati went dry they rwn't lay It to tioozo selling nt the Cincinnati ball park. ' - Kid Gleason Is quoted as saying that Eddie Clcotto hns everything thnt n pitcher should have. Other clubs will ngree und add that he nlso has something some-thing thnt no pitcher ebould be allowed al-lowed to have. |