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Show I POOR COWS CAUSE OF LOSS H Wisconsin County Farmers Co-oper. H atlna In Ostter-Bull Campaign H Discard Scrubs. (Prepared by tlio United States Depart 1 mcnt of Agriculture.) H "Don't pay two taxes" In tlio timely H slcrpiin of tlio Door county (Wis.) llvo H stock commlttco. H Few farmers rcullzo Hint tlioy oro H paying In nddllloii to their regular tux H n "poor-cow tax." This "poor-cow tux" H Is nbotit tlio heaviest, robs the pocket H book, uml profits no one. H Toil lmvo Just paid your niiminl H property tux. This Is necessary to pro- H vide for our schools, ronils, mid other H government expenses from which you H henellt ; but why pny two taxes?" Is tlio nppenl which, In tlio shnpo of a llttio H enrd, Is being placed In tlio hands of Door county owners of scrub sires. And 1 tlio "pro.ipect" who wants to bo shown H Is pointed to results which wcro H worked out In n farm management sur- H vcy, whero It wns found that on 121 fnrnw with pure-bred sires tlio nvcrngo net profits wcro $1,102; on 400 farms with grodo sires tlio protlts averaged By Breeding to Superior Clres Milk Production Can Be Qrcatly Increased In 8lngle Generation and Qreater Economy Effected. $731, a nil on 83 farms with scrub sires tlicro W(i8 un annual loss averaging $-11. Tlio Rcmb ulres on theso farms wcro .responsible for at least part of tlio good or had tdiowlng. A poor bull Is an cxtrovuganco which Door county H.m farmers cannot nfford. "Watch us grow a reputation" Is tlio enthusiastic part-Ing part-Ing chnllcngo of tlio commlttco which Is boosting better bulls In this penln-sulnr penln-sulnr county. Practically every farmers' orgnnlza ' Hon of tlio county Orange, tlio Socl- fly of Equity, tho Association of (luernsey Men, tho Ilolstcln Cuttlo club Is co-operating In tho better-bull campaign. What In reality amounts to a farm bureau n commlttco mado up of u representative from each township and with tho county ngent ns managing dl-rector dl-rector Is directly rcsponslblo for tho county's drlvo to replace tho grado and scrub bulls with good puro brcds. "To keep Its load In dairying and llvo stock raising Wisconsin must (lis-card (lis-card Its scrub sires," said tho excctitlvo commlttco of county ngents nnd reprc-H reprc-H ecntntlvcs of nil of tho state's cuttle breeders' associations. "Count on Door county to help," said this llvo live-stock committee. "Al- though somowhat off to one side, tlio Door penliiMulu Is still on orur innp, nnd wo nro going to stay there. In ono of our townships, which happens to bo an Island six miles out In Lako Mlchl-1 Mlchl-1 1 gan, each man contracted inoro than n I yenr ngo to uso only purebred bulls ' and every ono agreed to stay by but ono breed." And by means of this snmo kind of teamwork tho other townships of tho , county nro promising to follow suit. "Tho cntlro county Is going to wago '( war on tho scrub only upon a much moro extenstvo scule." Tho county agent epoko ns If ho represented men who meant business. "Tho commlttco Is out to glvo their county a reputation for the production of as high-class cattlo as It already baa for Montmorency and Early Richmond cherries." |