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Show Utah Indus-trial Indus-trial Review i Pacific Coast Manufacturer and Industrial News Bureau July 28 Apple yield of Utah this year will bo about 81,000 boxes short of that in 1018, and a total of 408,000 boxes; but that peaches will run 802,000 bushels, as compared with 735, 000 bushels last year. Approximately Approx-imately 35 cars of pcara will bo Bhlppcd out of Utah this year. It is estimated that in Weber county this year tho loss of bu-gar bu-gar beets will bo 30,000 tonB, duo to tho water shortage and that other crops will bo heavily damaged. Rich ore struck in Emerald mine. Tho formation is identical iden-tical with that existing in tho Grand Central. Other well known neighbors are tho Centennial, Cent-ennial, Eureka and the Old Mammouth. In spite of water shortage Ogden Og-den manufacturing making big gains. Salt Lake Contract for construction con-struction of basement and foundation found-ation for the sexton's new homo in City cemetery was awarded to J. P. and II. E. Schraven on a low bid of $2500. Western producers arc not falling over themselves to support sup-port tho Kcnyon bill or any bill to place big industries under government ownership, opera tion or too much regulation. Give, the great west a free field for development. Prince ConsolidAto-' mine to sink a now shaft. . Alta railroad has been making mak-ing good earnings. Ogden Representatives of 20 large canal companies have indorsed in-dorsed plans of Weber county irrigation committee for a comprehensive com-prehensive survey of land recla-wation recla-wation possibilities of Ogden ondWebor river districts. Park City miners get samo wages as those at Eurkca. Duchesan Transportation Co. to run an auto "stage lino from Salt Lake City to Vernnl and from Helper to Venial. The sugar crop of the U. S. for 1910 is estimated at 2.2G1, 000,000 pounds, or 147,000,000 imunds more than averago for fete years. Cane sugar will fall 100,000 tons below tho averago for six years, while beet sugar 'exceeds record crop of 1015-1G by about 75,000, tons. Franco and other countries face sugar i shortage. t Iron Springs minnig company organized. Surfaco indications of a most favorable nature exist. ex-ist. Two large outcrops of homatito and magnetite, in places twenty feet wide, show indiciations of being 1700 feet long. Farm experts rank condition of peach crop of Utah this year at 85", compared with a condition condi-tion of 70 laBt year. Product-Ion Product-Ion is estimated at 802,000 bushels bush-els as compared with 735,000 .bushels for 1918. Brigham City will pave Main Street with bitulithic. I Ogden Satisfactory bids not being received for construction of section of Warm River-Yellow stono road in tho Targhee National Nat-ional forest, it has been decided to do tho work by forco account. ac-count. Brigham to have wireless radio station. Tintic Standard's output is now two carloads per day and it will not be increased until after tho completion of tho now railroads. About tho forco of men is at work underground. The work of putting tho now equipment into running order has been delayed a few days. Reclamation of 60,000 acres of land is contemplated In a re-servior re-servior project planned for Carbon Car-bon county. Tho proposition is 1tnwn aBthTrFIeasmit Valley Reservoir project. Zinc at $50 a ton will restore that industry and help mines. Brigham City Home matt- xess factory building new plant Price finds rich ore body in Big Cottonwood. Plans arc made .to resume operations on tho Utah Silver-iLead Silver-iLead Mines company's situated in tho Morgan Argentine district, dis-trict, about seven miles from the Union Pacific railroad. Tho property comprises eleven claims which havo been under development develop-ment for a number of years and which have produced hea,vily. i Salt Lako lets contract for $27,15G sewer construction. Telephone Company allows back pay to striking employes from Juno 1G. New machinery started up at Eureka bullion mine. Victor mine resumes operations opera-tions in Cottonwood canyon. Pinal plans for hard surfaco post roads from Spanish Pork to Payson, a distanco of four miles; from Delta to Kanosh, 'slBty iniles, and from Sclpio to Lcvan, thirty-four miles, wcro approved by state road commission com-mission and will bo submitted to the secretary of agriculture for approval, under tho federal and state cooperative agreement all will bo hard surfaco except the portion from Delta to Hold-en, Hold-en, which will bo graveled. Hundred-dollor ore is being taken out of Eureka Bullion mino and at least one shipment will bo made during the present month. i Alta Emma Silver Mines to luivo manager and starts work. Paradise Park reservoir is tho name of a water storage project pro-ject in Uintah county. Will bo constructed at altitude of 10,-G00 10,-G00 feet. |