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Show I HUSBAND SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Getting s Her Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Pittsburgh, Pa.--" For rnany months X was not able to do my work owing to ,i , in. ... n weakness which IIIIIIIUmIUIIIIII cb j,njQci'cRc'10 LagelPW ttend called mr lllllgegeBv-"(lllll Attention to one of iimt;fflllll rid"' t"W''Iu'"!d l III til Lydia E. Plnkhnm's ftSftW&llrt.V Vo go table Com- H fmnBmAm Doun1 for me- siWS-'HTOiTt Aftor taHnp; two 1 "f bottles I felt flno and my troubles caused by that wenk- nrssnro'tt'thlnffof the post. All women who suffer as I did should try Lydia B. rinkhsm's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. JA8. TloimoERO, 20 Knapp St, IN. 8., Pittsburgh. Pa. Women who Buffer from any form of -weakness, as IndlcatecTby displacements, inflammation, ulceration, 'irregularitiet , backache, 'headaches, nervousness or "the blues," shoald accept Mrs, Rohr- tare's suggestion and givo Lydia E. P.I nk ham's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty 'years It has been correcting aach 'ailments. If yon have nvstcrioua complications write for advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lyna, Mass. THE "BLUES" I Caused by I Acid-Stomach I Million' of people who worrr. are deipon- .cent, hare apalle of mental depreselon, feel 'bib and ate often melancholy, ballere that 'tneie eondUlone are due to outside Influencee over which they have little or no control. I Nearly always, however, the tin be traced 'to an Internal eouree alil-etomaeh. Nor la I It to bo wondered at. Acld-etomach, begin. nlns with auch wall aeflned eymptome aa In. dlgeatlon, tielchlnr. heartburn, bloat, ate I 'will' It not cheeked, In tlm affect to aoma degree or othtr all tha vital organe. The I nervous eretem becomes deranged. Ulacatloa I auflara. Tha blood la Impoverished. Health I land etrenith ara undermined. Tha victim of acld-etomach. although ha may not know tha cauea of hla allmenla. feels hla hop, i courage, ambition and energy slipping. Ana I truly Ufa la dark not' worth much to tha i man or woman who haa acM-etomachl ' Oet rid of Itt Don't let acld-etomach hold I you back, wreck your health, make your ' dare mlaerable, make you a victim of tha i "biuee" and gloomy thoughtal Thera la a marvaloua modern remedy called KATONIC 1 I that brlnca. oh I auch quick relief from your atomach mleerlea aeta your etomach to rlaht makaa It atronr. cooL awaet and comfort- able, llelpe you get back your atrangth, vigor, vitality, anlhuelaam and good cheer. So many thousearia upon thouaanda ot autfrrrre have uaed BATONIC with auch marveleaely helpful reeulta that wa ara aura you will ' feel tha aama way If you will Jut glva tt a, ' trial. Oat a big (0 cent boi of KATONIC ' tha good taetlng tableta that you eat Ilk a bit of candy from your drugglat today. Ha will' return your money If reeulta ara atet van more than you eipecl. E ATONIC t rOW YOUR ACro-STOMAC) Use Cuticura Soap ToCIearYouTSkin All drentrtii Boan S. Ointment S M. Talaaaa V "uabjManSea 'WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT Far i many years druggists have watched withrtnuch interest the remarkable record mainUined by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. medi-cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Hoot la a strengthening medicine. medi-cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder blad-der do the iwork nature intended tbey should do. SwampJRootthii itood the test of year. It is sold iby .all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other klduey medicine has so .many friends. Be aure to ,gat wamp-Itoot ,and start treatment at -onoe. However, if you .wish first do itest .this great preparation .send iten cents -to Dr. Kilmer & Co Biuabaroton, N. Y., for iMtnpIe bottle. Vhon .writing the aure and intention this paper. Adv. , FTTTTT ' U-Jf ! : l- ,r-s JTMIDIWBL Be5,, Rclreskts, Soolhti, ay'atrat tf o-your-Evta- gflgPIV Strong and Healthy. If fSiS theyTire,Smart,Itch,or VAii'rTTotC Burn, if Sore, Irritated, IUUR LILJ Inflamed orGranulated, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At nil Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. HttriflO E)0 UcBiedy Con jny, CM(go, l)( S. A. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be renulne must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross.; Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains con-tains proper directions to safely relieve re-lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacttlc- i acldciter of Salleyllcacld. Adv. i To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch plmplco, redness, roughness ' or Itcbtng, It nny, with Cuticura Olnt-I Olnt-I ment, then batho with Cuticura Soap ; and hot water. Hlnse, dry gently and dust on a llttlo Cuticura Talcum to leavo a fascinating frngranco on skin. Everywhere 25c each. Adv. Important to Mothora Examine carefully every bottlo of CA8TOHIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, nnd seo that It In Uso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria HOW RHEUMATISM BEGINS The exeruclaUnir atonies ot rheumatism rheuma-tism are usually the result ot failure ot the kidneyi to expel poisons from the system. It the Irritation ot these urle acid crystals Is allowed to continue, incurable in-curable bladder or kidney disease mar result. Attend to it ot once. Don't resort to temporary relief. Tho sick kidneys must be restored to health br the use ot somo sterling remedy which will prevent a return of the disease. Get some GOLD MEUAIi Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. Tbey havo broucht back the joys of Ufa to count-!ii count-!ii thousands of sufferers from rheu-l rheu-l latism, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel and other affections ot tbn kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied orgnna. They will attack the poisons at once, clear out the kidneys and urinary tract and the soothing healing oils and herbs will restore the intlamed tissues and organa to normal health. All others aro Imitations. Ask for GOLD MKDATj and be aure tho name GOLD MEDAL Is on tho box. Thrco sixes, at all good druggists. Adv. Couldn't Work I S. W. Bishop Was Laid Up By i Kidney Trouble. New Owes ' Good Health to Doan's. "I owe my present good health, large-ly, large-ly, to Doon's Kidney 1'lUs," says S. V. Bishop, 51CJ Kenalngton Ave., bt. Louis, Mo. "I wasn't nble to work. fB Sharp rains would catch mo when I stooped or tried to lift anything, and at night the kidney e- Tit cretlons paused fiequcntly k and were scanty and f wk painful. Specks seemed to gs rv ! be More my eyes nnd I T V would get dizzy. There fj IP was a pufl'meas under my CzK eyes. I could see myself STp. failing front day to day eaaaaea and I finally was laid up WJr from June until Septem- . ,... bcr. I got Doan's Kid- BUi, , ncv Vills and uaed them. 1 received relief with the first box and became stronger every day. I could sleep well at night and the kidney secretions were now of natural color. The dizziness fH and other trouble disappeared and 1 picked up in weight. Alter 1 had used 1 four boxes ot Doan's Kidney fills I looked and felt like my old self. The cure seemed a miracle and I firmly be- 1 lieve that my life was saved by this Strom to before me. J0I7.V If. DRDXS, Notary Public. Gat Doao'e at Anr Store, COe a Pox H D O AN 9 S JLV FOSTER-MILTJURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. TTSELDOIYI SEE H If W a big knee like tliit, but your horit af may hare a bunch or bruue on his IT ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat. Zl will clean it oil without laying up fi the hone. No blister, no lialr gone. Concentrated only a few drop requited at an application. $2.50 r senlt etll.eied. Oetcilbe reef mm ;l eredel laiiractlasa. Dook S R (raa. AllSOIllUNt. Jit.. U.e eS- Kttll lialatit lei miaUea. irJum ruatil IwtUlite. 'SBJBJH laltifti Cliaih Wil. titalHk Vtricote VrlMi elUre .fJH rile tai lasisntuea. rrtce ll.it a battle sUwzIra ar gfH StllftreH. IJUnl trill bon!rtflU lot IOC aSBJH V.-.F.T0UNQ. P.D.F..aiOIllUSptlltjllSld.rlSIS. tH A CHARMING GIFT ARMISTICE PERFUME Tkle Mtlina eitraet will mall to too tba rick tH coetlr odor nf a hundred Vranrh noere-eo lattlnt M -eotrue. VfnuUAHAMTaMtueendroaebottlae, fjajajB H usaea ratb. and ona eprclal bottle with, slaaa SJSJSJH tlopixr and (old alettd top tlbie alone le worth ona ffaaaaaaaj dollar) altosethet nea belli. I ot dISerant, enchant- H I n partamra for ONH IHiIJ.all. pxtpald, monej .fJH oMercrcarrener, Send ll.ai iiiuaTt. 'M AltMISTlcr. 81'EOIALTirS H 181 WeetSUIIiSt. New York, N.T. tH 1IMA1.BIIS, AllHN rS-Bnd II 00 for abote. Inelad- fgTgTgTgTgTgTJJ ins earner tarme and eauplee, eiclo.lt e termor?, itH wonderfaiaropoiltloa. f Every Woman "Wonts FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE ' Dissolved la waiar. for tfcaachas atoeas iB pel le catarrh, ulceration nnd inflaro- H roatlon. necommanded by Lydia E. H Pinkham Med. Co. for ten year. H A healing- wonder for nasal catarrh, J sore throat and sore ayes. Economical. Saaaala rraa. 5Qr. all jjntv. rXi ar i H DAISY FLY KILLER JZS (iSP'lJi.mBr'wKnrM ''arnumtal.naw - gggggggggl HAUULU bUUUlS. 1M) la Kalb AtSnMriN. X,' t W. N. U SaTTLake City, Nor31-19ll! Such tender bits of line meat such careful season- iH ingl Onotastc of Lobby's Vienna Sausaee, served H plptnc hot, will tell you it was prepared by master H Chefs Ask-5K3eiT rrocag-fnil.a-p3.cJf3gg. tnil-iy, L1H Contents will servo two. aggggl Libby, M9NeilI & Libby, Chicago . |