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Show A SOLDIER-SETTLEMENT P LEGISLATION JTho opinion of discharged service men on soldier settle- f" ' it legislation m Congress is ressed in tho following editor t "Farms For Soldiere" which ijppears in tho current number of Tho American Legion Weekly; Week-ly; the magazine of tho national organization of American veterans vet-erans of tho Great War. "Tho question ol soldier Bettiemeut Bhortly will come to m issue before Congress. The iuuuumentals of tho problem uo iter as they affect tuo interests of the country are that uoldicr noh-cinployment shall bo reduced reduc-ed and soil production increas-fi. increas-fi. This by Government cooperation coop-eration with men who wore Kldicrs and now wish to be Bribers. Tho issue, no matter Pv broad and well considered, lU-not solve the problem of iW;eeUwatmentt nor will, it bring' the monster'of 'higlrlivifig; cost to Ita knees. But it will bo a firm, well-defined step in that direction. "Oho need not doubt that tho rolling barrage of a landholder land-holder lobby has been chartered. There arc amplo evidences that narrow selfishness will undertake, under-take, to checkmate or defeat the plan to help returned soldiers render productive thousands of acres of idlo lands. Let us watch tho issue sharply. It will bo Interesting and profitable to learn Just how strong is the survival in Congress of shifty, flabby, ante-bellum political chicanery. chi-canery. It will bo interesting and profitable to learn Just how strong has been tho development of a political conscience which can see seo National good ahead of vicloup self-interest." |