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Show YANKEE8 WED GERMAN QIRL6. Many American Soldier Marry When Orders Are Misunderstood. Coblcnr. Beports of mnrrlages between be-tween American soldiers nnd Gerninn girls huvo boon received nt headquarters headquar-ters from vnrlous pnrts of tho occupied occu-pied men during the pnst fow days, but ns yet no chnrges hnvo been filed ngnlnst nny of tlio men. It lu believed most of tho mnrrlages worn duo to misunderstandings regnrdlug tho antl-fraternization antl-fraternization regulntlons. A week before tho trcnty wns signed several of tho chnplalns, through n misunderstanding, mis-understanding, Informed tho soldiers thnt marrlngos wero permissible ns soon ns tho Germans accepted tho penco terms. Officers sny thnt a number num-ber of marrlnges took plnco heforo this belief wns corrected by n special crder from hendqunrters culling tho ntten-tlon ntten-tlon cf officer und men to tho fact that until tho United Stntcs ratified tho treaty Germany nnd America technically wero at war, und tho reg-ulatlon reg-ulatlon prohibiting fraternization wns still In forco. |