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Show Have the Bed Room That You Wish For - ; ' " ' J Every modern woman wishes for a modern bedroom, and our special August prices make it easy to have one. This Suite contains just the four to six pieces required in an up-to-date chamber. Each piece is finished inyour choice 1 off Gum, American Walnut or ivory. The design ; Is a popular period reproduction. It is hard to appreciate the beauty off this Suite until you see it. "WHERE PRICE AND QUALITY MEET" Tremonton Furniture Co. Phone 12 - - :-: - - Tremonton A. C. Olsen, Manager g,y. fc- - , Phone 91 - y ,- - I BHBT Cabinet flange iRa, LOOKS BEST I 'l&fSl' COOKS BEST lltgsiJi1 AND CLEANS I iiBfif ' UKE A DISH IyfffiTlrjffi nf t f niWV The Copper-Clml is n Plnin liaiiRe. It is smooth like u. disli. it bos uo rivet mid bolt tiends on the- iiiukul. It has no biuROH, catches or latches I Qti tho outside. They are nil inside like an automobile body. Th obouized irou is fiatu- ed with n silver nickel, mnking it the most beautiful rnngo in tho world. The cbonized 3 iron never cracks, peels or discolor?. It wipes cleau like a dish. The best 'thing about a Copper-Clad is that it outlasts auy range, because lined with pure sheeet copper where 1 I other ranges rust out. Between tho sweaty asbestos and range body or outer casiutf is a . sheet of copper that keeps tho body perfectly dry and free of internal rust. I NO OTHER RANGE II AS THIS FEATUUE J Hyrum Jensen Furniture and Hardware Co. GARLAND UTAH MCsiiHsissaflLtiiilsCsisoBsnt I TO OUR FRIENDS: Tremonton, Utah, Aug. 2, 1919 H Don't fail to attend Our Grand Opening and Big Co-operative Salo H which opens Saturday, August 2nd, and continues to Saturday night, Aug- Q ust 9th. Remember we have he largest Furniture store between Ogden H and Pocatollo 14,000 feet of floor spaco. l ' We are offering special prices on every articlo in ,tho house in spite H M of tho fact that goods in our lino are hard to get and prices are going up U IB- everyday. - f?hs, T Beautiful homes, properly furnished, make happy lives. Our mana- ger, Mr. Shaw has been east for six weeks studying conditions and buying Q for your wants. B Make this tfie time to buy what you need and want and save money. H Come and see our Three-piece Tapestry Suits, Five-piece Enamel- U ed Bed Room Suits, Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Cedar Chsts, Matt- M rossos, Edison and Columbia Records and hundreds of items too numer- II ouc to mention. .:!'. II Shaat-& TvgtxsAn : D "BEAUTIFUL HOME FURNISHINGS" U PHONE No. 14 - - TREMONTON, UTAH H NOTICE United States Land Office, Salt Lako City, Utah, July 28, 1910. To Whom it may Concern: Notice is hereby given giv-en that Robert Murdock has filed fil-ed in this office an application for lauds selected by tho said Robert Murdock under tho act of Congress approved February 28th, 1919 in exchango for certain cer-tain lands as provided in said 'act; the said lands so selected and applied for In said application, applicat-ion, Serial 024G03 being: Lots 5, G and 7; southwest quarter of northeast quarter, west half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter and east half of southwest quarter quar-ter of section one (1) ; northeast quarter of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of section twelve tw-elve (12), Township 14 North, Itango 5 West, S. L. M. West half southwest quarter of section sec-tion 5 South half northeast quarter, south half northwest quarter and south half of section sec-tion G Northwest quarter of section sec-tion 7 East half northeast quarter quar-ter of Section 20, Township 14 North, Rango 4 West, Salt Lako Base, and Meridian. Copies of this notice havo been conspicuously conspicu-ously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested inter-ested and by tho public gener-ally. gener-ally. During tho period of prbll-cation prbll-cation of this notice, or any timo thereafter, and before final approval and patent, protests or contests agains tho claim of tho applicant to any of tho tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, des-cribed, on the ground that tho samo is not open to such selection selec-tion or Is mineral in character, will bo received and noted for report to tho General Land Off ice, Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest within tho timo specified, will bo considered con-sidered sufficient evidence of isaid lands being open to selection select-ion and non-mineral in cm actor, act-or, and will bo reported to tho Department for appropriate action. act-ion. GOULD B. BLAKLEY, Register. Re-gister. Date of first publication August 2, 1919. Date of last publication August, 30, 1919. Undertaking & Embalming (Funeral Directors) Sympathetic Experienced HELP Day Phono No. 11 Night Phones N. E. Shaw 54-A-2 N. E. Iverson 77-A-2 15hawahd"iversr5n Tremonton, - - - - Utah SUSCRIBE FOR THE GLOBE TUB NEW WHST MAGAZIN H "BnlMlnr Th. Will" EaUblUhnl 110 For Ui dorelopmont o WwUrn InduatrlM, otrlrolturo, mining, oil. "4 fpj xnl ultrsttlmi. Of Int.rwt to tho Wootorsl ' InvMtor. firmer snd itrhUf.r. Printed ea blgU rrode pnprr with roppr half-tort HltMtraUona. IIJ Yr, II I eopr. 20e. Sampla, 10& bek num. kn for IS. Send now. Tho Now WirM- i fH Kino, lhlW.lker IUnV Bids.. Stt lks CI DUht 1004 White Dldc, Seattle. Waih.: 7 Woodward Are., Detroit, Mich. Addreei near-tat near-tat offlco, or plaeo roar mUerlptlon tfcrouca fiTonigh : I n. V. Daniels Drug Gon (Garland, lit $100 Reward, $100 jH The rciulcrs of thl paper will be 'H plcoicd to learn that there li at lo&it' tina dreaded dlaaa thnt iclenee has been able to euro In all Its itaRei and thnt la catarrh. Cntnirh bclns greatly Influenced by conjtll'1 tlonal conditions requires conmttutlon.i! treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is to on Internally and nets thru tho lllocnl m tho Mucous Bur-faces Bur-faces of tho System I'lTcby destroylnir tbi foundation of tlici .Koasc, Rlvlnr the iH patlont strcnRth by luiilillni; up the con-,.. t'.ltutlon nnd nsslitlnft nature In dolnclta work. Tho proprietors have so much ssj faith In the curatlvo powers of Hall's Catarrh Mrdlclne that they offer One' aaaaaVJ Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls IH to cure. Bond for list of testimonials. , Address T. J. CHRNRT CO.. TolsW Ohio. Sold by all Drutrslst, Too. i We are LICENSED H EMBALMERS and UNDERTAKERS We always have a complete stock of FUNERAL Supplies. Day Phone 73 ? Night Phone 71-w 'H HYRUM JENSEN H Furniture and Hardware Garland, Utah- JOHN J. I SHUMWAY LOANS REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE RENTS NOTARY PUBLIC and CONVEYANCER Sco him regarding your Ab-etrncts Ab-etrncts and Titles. Bank Bldg. Garland, Utah John H.Bolt& Sons Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS and HEADSTONE8 Mill Cor. 2nd North, 4th East Show Yd. Jobllc. N. Court IIouso BRIGHAM CITY - UTAH H. Cockling ton Painting Paper Hanging Calsomining Sign Fainting a Specialty Garland - - Utah Phone No. 3-J CLUB Bi I Billiards, Soft Diinlce, Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco A pleasant place to spend "i'Otrrluisnroiiours. tll A Resort for the People H MANAUSA BLOCK Garland, ... UtJv ' |