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Show MINES AND MINING I Fny, once quite, n famous old gold H camp near l'loehe In Lli.coln countj. Nov., In which u number of Salt Lul.e H people were at one time Interested, Is H to be rovlved mid placed In operation H Again, Homo guleiiu ore Is spnttered through tho seams nnd fractures In the face H of the American Consolidated Mines H company tunnel In American Fork can-. yon, according to (loncrtil Manager (leorgo 13. Hemphill, who has Just ie- WM turned from thu property. hjE The old Ashdown mint, located in j3 the northwestern part of the county near tho Nevada-Oregon boundary, has been taken over by a stiong aggrega- t Ion of San Francisco people, known us the Ashdown Uolil Mining company, uml extensive operating plans have been formulated, says the Humboldt -The Tlntlc Standard Mining com- H puny, Is reported on good authority, H says tho Kurekn Iteporter to bo now tho owner of better than 50 tier cent - of thu Issued stock1 of the Prove Mill- lug company, owning adjoining ground. The Prove stock was picked up on be- half of the Tlntlc Standard company by Joseph Hurry, well known I'rovo man. I At a stockholders' meeting of the Tlntlc Delaware Mining company at I'rovo, thu following wero elected: Joseph A. Hatch, Heber, president; Dr. W. It. Wherrett, Hebert vice president; pres-ident; directors, A. D. Clark, I'rovo; Samuel Neff, Mill Creek; J. H. Kkkcrs and A. H. Kkkcrs of F.ureku; J. A. Hohhiwity, secretary-treasurer and general manager. Development work has been begun on tho property of tho Iron Springs company, which Is loraled In Iron county about two miles north of thu proposed railroad between Lund nnd Cedar City. A force of men has been put to work sinking a shaft on the Cootwnli of nn extensive Iron vein which outcrops on the surface, accord ing to information from officers of tho company. Iteport of tho strlko of some good ore In the Columhus-ltexall property at Alta, has sent thu stock up on thu market. According to President II. It. Cviiiih the ore Is similar to that taken front the 800 level and Is being en- , . countered In the tunnel. Tho oro Is found In the beddings and It Is the Intention, to coutlnuu tho driving of . the drift some distance beforu making - Sf, plans for the taking out of the ore. , , The' encountering of oil In a sand . , .' that Is believed to bo about six Inches . iy thick on tho (lustaveson Oil company's jt property two miles tip Diamond Fork - tfJj " canyon from the itlo Orande ntilroad, has caused considerable excitement, us ' .V It Is declared to bo the first good oil ihowlng near Salt Lake, and ulso car-rled car-rled out the theory of n number of l geologls,ts and oilmen that petroleum i : f would bo encountered In this ground. .. .( Mining operations nt Divide have been featured during the last few days by a number of valuable oro dlscov . 1 cries; and taken by nnd largo tho tier- I'.ttf lod was probably the most oventful ,Jj recorded In tlio district slnco pay oro . .--IJ was first struck In the Tonopnh Dl f, vldo mine. The strikes were Hindu ill -',;(. widely divergent points and demon i: strato that the cross Assuring of the ffy camp Is In general well enriched with f-.ZJw oro depositions. M Manager tieorge Nichols of the Lehl . ; Tlntlc property stated recently Hint development work Is progressing In if , ;fl most satisfactory manner, according td .-y the Kurekn Iteporter. Homo more oro has been located In the workings K )tj reached from the now tunnel nnd the . j compunyls fast getting things In read- , J&t Iness for sinking thu new double com-partment com-partment shaft. (Irmllng for this shaft was finished early' In the week uml ''SftSl actual sluicing should bo .under way '-'S within n few days. 'o5 The Divide district, near Tonopnh, Nov., has suddenly sprung Into promt Jwl uence owing to the fact that within it' .ftggj few months ono large mine has been developed from u prospect, nnd tho In- .'$3R vesting public Is being told that fur- . fiW ther development will bring forth , . .i&jl many more productive properties. The district Is advantageously situated ami . yfij Is leacheiriiy the main highway con --R nectlng Toiiopnh and (loldfleld, being p only six miles south of Tonopnh. ' " Wil Prospects for tlio nsphi.lt liulus- Vfl try, which In tho near future should " bo a source of considerable rovenue I'-.tfm for Utah und other wesstern states, 3&2P are excellent. Dcplto the curtailment '3X2 if tho Imports of native asphalt and! ' "In of road nnd building construction In -vSh tho United States caused by the war, ', tho year 1018 was ono of prosperity for the domestic asphalt Industry, uc-cording uc-cording to O. C. Osbon, of tho United ' St?tes geological survey. '.rj A special stockholders' meeting of tho Miller Hill Kxtenslon Mining com puny has been, called for August 11.' ' Nfj The purpose of the meetlug Is the ; uniendlng of an Incorporation article changing Its principal nnd general of ' tlco from Sprlngvlllo to I'rovo. Utah, " Kxportatlon of metals to Kuropo, es-: peclally Knglund, Frnnco nnd Oermany-will Oermany-will bo slow for samo time, according to Joseph Itnlpli, u mining engineer Tlio steady Improvement In tho me-" iai-sittintloa jlicuaat-jigYjinil .wvyKff uis been matched by an encouraging rlso In copper stocks, says the Ilostou News Ilureau. Tho general advanco' measures 4 5-8 points, currying tho prlco Index of twenty representative copper Issues 37 per cent nbovo the depressed level for tho nrmlutlco pe rlod and to tho highest figure since early October, 1017. . jMjii |