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Show j SPECIAL! for" ONE WEEK ONLY Beginning Saturday, August 2 Ending Saturday, August 9 1 Don't Miss This Sale GOOD BROOMS . 65C MASON FRUIT JARS ! TREE TEA (per package) 30C WITH TOPS AND RUBBERS II EST CaEAM CHEESE (per pound38C PNTS ' 78C SUGAR (per sack) . . Q.45 QUARTS 93C I I WHITE KARO SYRUP (jacket) J "J 75 HALF GALLON $1.18 I KARO SYRUP (gallon) 89C ROLLED OATS (large sack) . . . 65C I PAROWAX (per pound) 28C CRACKERS (all kinds) per packago 1 5C I CORN (per can) " 4C BREAKFAST FOODS (all kinds) at1 4C ' TOMATOES (large sizo) "j 5C MACORONI (Three packages for) . . 25,C L JUNE PEAS "j 4C APRON GINGHAMS (por yard) ... 1 8C I MANY OTHER BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION , II SAVE MONEY BY TRADING AT I I The Golden Rule Store MORRIS ABRAMSON, PROP. QARLAND UTAH, j -. i , -, . . . NOTICE United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28, 1019. To Whom it may Concent: Notice is hereby given giv-en that James E. Hansen has filed in this office an application for lands selected by tho said James E. Hansen under the Act of Congress approved February 28, 1919, in exchange for certain cer-tain lands as provided in said act; tho said lands so selected and applied for In said application, applica-tion, Serial 024G02 being: Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Section 1, North half of Southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 14 North, Range 5 West, S. L. M. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 Section G, "North half southwest quarter, north east quarter of southeast quarter and northeast quarter of Section 7, Township 14 North, Range 4 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Mer-idian. Copies of this notice have been consplciously posted in this office for inspection by any person Interested and by tho public generally. During tho period of publication of this notice, or any tlmo thereafter, and before final approval and patent, protests or contests ag-inst ag-inst tho claim of tho applicant to any of the tracts or subdivisions subdivi-sions hereinbefore described, on the ground that tho samo is not open to such selection or is mineral min-eral in chnracter, will bo received receiv-ed and noted for report to tho General Land Office, Washington, Washing-ton, D. C. Failuro so to protest or contest within tho time specified, spe-cified, will bo considered sufficient suffici-ent evidence of said lands being opon to selection and non-mineral in character, and will bo reported re-ported to tho Department for appropriate action. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. Date of first publication August 2, 1919. Date of last publication August 30, 1919. Garrett & Richards ....Dealers in.... Fresh and Cured Moats, Green, Staple ana Fancy Grooeries Always on Hand I DELIVERY AND COLD STORAGE "j A Few Things We Buy: Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, VooI. Pe'tn. Hides and Produce WE MEET ALL COMPETITION Both Phones Fr.s10:Ai Garland, Utah j L. , 4-34 8b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - (Publisher.) Department of the Interior, ' U. S. Iand Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. July 30, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that x Mary Carlisle Barber, of Logan, Utah, widow of Walter Farrell Barber, deceased, who, on May '7, 1914, made HomeBtead Entry, En-try, Serial No. 012588, for Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and WSWVl or Sy2) Section 14, Township 12 North, Range 5 West, Salt Iako Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mako five-year, Proof, to establish claim to the I land above described, before the Clerk of tho District Court, at Brlgham, Utah, on the 17th day " of September, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Roy Bullen, Nels Nelson, H. P. Bar- . ber, all of Logan, Utah, and Georgo J. Wood, of Howell, Utah., GOULD B. BLAKLEY, '; ' Aug. 2-30. adv. Register. 4-348 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' (Publisher.) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah.' Juno 23, 1919, NOTICE is hereby given that Lorenzo B. Gunnell, of Howell, Utah, who, on July 20, 1914 made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 012877, for N, Section.14, Township 12 North, Range 6 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of indention in-dention to make five-year, Proof, -i to establish claim to the land a-bovo a-bovo described, before tho Clerk of tho District Court, at Brig-ham, Brig-ham, Utah, on the 9th. day of August, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Alvln Jordan, William Allen, J. D. Craven, 'Carl Schrlber, all of Howell, unnn GOULD B. BARLEY, June 28-Aug. 2 Register, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE GARLAND CLOiC |